As with many successful orders holy founders were followed by devote organizers.
The Knight Guardians were formed along military lines. Small units formed around a cadre of officers, with each unit having a priest chaplain, assisted by deacons, instituted acolytes and brothers. Officers benefited only in having more authority.
Each member took vows of poverty, chastity, piety and obedience. Initially a recruit took vows for only a set period. After a period of time a Brother Guardian might chose to take vows for life, or they might return to the world.
St. Bix was styled as the Knight Commander of the order. The Chaplain General was the highest ranking cleric in the order, responsible for all of the order's priests and clerics. Initially the order was under the authority of the local bishop or other ordinary.
Bix was succeeded by Bl. Henry deVentille, a man of great talents in both combat and diplomacy. He succeeded in getting the Pope to place the order under the control of its own Ordinary. This protonotary apostolic position was not equal in authority to a bishop, but conveyed some of the privileges or pontificals proper to bishops, including the ring and pectoral cross.
In 2297 Pope Pius XXIV confirmed in the Chaplain General of the order the particular rights of independence from the local hierarchy, especially in the area of granting faculties to order priests.
Under the Knight Commander Unit Masters commanded order outposts or vessels. According to the rule each unit was to have at least one priest. Larger units were to have more than one priest. To ensure a supply of clerics the order founded its own seminary at it's headquarters on Primus Frost in the then Midlands.
The ownership of the land and building resides in the lay association Militarum Auxilium Christi. Militarum Auxilium Christi is directly tied to the Knights of St. Bix, but is a separate entity within the Church. The organization forms a Secular Order which is associated with the Guardians. The Guard Tertiaries are lay members and consist of both men and women who are not bound by the vows of the order. They do make solemn and public promises. Members are permitted to marry, and many have previously served under temporary vows in the Knights. For the most part Militarum Auxilium Christi owns most of the land, ships and other facilities and equipment used by the knights.
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