Wednesday, December 13, 2017

CMC Rules

Because the CMC is a device unique to New Diasporia I have included this page on rules for using CMC devices. As I have explained before New Diasporia is a game background. For many aspects of the game any rule system will do, and because many RPG rulesets dedicated to science fiction already include rules for handheld sensor and communication devices feel free to completely disregard this post if you prefer the rules you are familiar with or are already integrated into the ruleset of your choice. I should start by stating that these rules are based upon the sensor rules for GURPS, of which both the 3rd edition, which I use, and the 4th edition which I do not (but sometimes steal shamelessly from) were developed by David Pulver.
As already stated I do not use GURPS's 2 plus TL of development progression limits. In New Diasporia new technological developments for devices continue as TL levels increase. This basically means that most technology gets smaller, lighter and more energy efficient as TL increases. This tends to mean that while a device at its original TL might be as big as a bread box and require mains power in a half dozen TLs it's likely to fit in a thimble and run for a week on a AA cell.
CMCs are basically superscience enhanced cell phones. Their range is generally very limited compared to vehicle mounted sensors. The ranges and capabilities document here are for TLA CMC devices. At lower TLs range is generally lower to allow devices of the same size and weight to be used so that a CMC is always in the .4-.5 lbs range and has a display that is in the 5.5 to 6 inch range.

Sensor rules

I should go over  the sensor rules that I use. They are based on GURPS 3rd Edition. Basically the skill of the sensor operator is modified by the characteristics of the sensor and a result is given by how successful the roll is. The GM makes the roll after applying the modifiers the the player's skill stat in using that sensor. A non-expert is assumed to have a minimum default stat of 11 at their own TL. If using GURPS rules default is IQ-5. When using a CMC with special software, such as with a medical scanner application, skill is directly related to the skill level in that profession. So a physician or someone with diagnostics skills uses their skill level in those skills, typically 12- 18, with 18 being an expert. Anyone else gets IQ-7.
Modifiers are the sensor's scan rating, the object's size (for detecting a vehicle, object, or person), Speed/Range, Special, prior contact, and distraction and sometime a unique sensor type modifier.
The scan rating is based upon the range to the object (see the scan table below). For the size modifier see the size modifier table. Humans and smaller objects, have a size modifier of 0. Some indirect sensors do not use size modifiers in the same way, as explained below. If the object is beyond the range of the sensor it cannot be seen. Note that object of certain sizes are always within range of specific sensors. For example a PESA visual scan will always be able to record a planet or mountain that a person can see with the naked eye. Of course minimum resolution might prevent any kind of meaningful detail of the image. Most sensor can detect a fast moving object easier than they can detect a motionless one. A Special modifier is applied when certain types of sensors and evasion technologies are used. Prior contact gives a +4 bonus if the target was previously detected visually or using another sensor. If the total of all the modifiers is -10 or more detection is impossible. If the bonus is +10 detection is automatic. Else roll vs. the operator's sensor skill and take the degree of success from the Sensor Scan Table. GURPS rules include many more entries in their tables than I've included below. These tables encompass only use of  CMC. For other sensor sets you'll have to check the GURPS rulebooks because I'm not copying them here.
Range to Scan Table
Range (Mile)
Range (Mile)
Size Modifier is assigned for vehicles when they are designed in the GURPS vehicle system. Ships and vehicles in New Diasporia are based on cuft. For comparison a standard midsize car is about 120 cuft. A van is 300 to 400 cuft. Ships are thousands and hundreds or thousands cuft.
Size Modifier Table
Volume (cuft)
Volume (cuft)
Speed/Range is not terribly important when using an CMC. Most vehicles that are moving at all will have a modifier large enough to make detection automatic if within range. A scanning CMC will always detect a moving vehicle within its line of sight.
Sensor Scan Table
Degree of Success
Critical Failure
Contact error
Failure by +3
No contact
Failure by 1-2
Detection- by may be spoofed
Success by 0-2
Success by 3-4
Detection and Recognition
Success by 5+ or critical success
Detection, Recognition and Identification
In some modes or with some applications additional special bonuses will apply. For example when connected to a shipboard or planetary database library, rather than its own internal library a bioscan ID of an individual may be considered to be a critical success if the individual was Detected and Recognized.
Force Screens block all active sensors (AESA, gravscanners in Imaging mode, bioscanners and chemscanners.) GRADAR can detect the field itself.


Gravscanners have two modes. In the gravscanner Imaging mode the CMC can create what is effectively an x-ray hologram of an object. It can scan 46 cuft per second and has a range of 1,500 feet in scan mode but is limited to 150 feet if the user wants to integrate other scanning modes with the Image. It cannot penetrate a full force field, but can penetrate the relatively light fields used for structural integrity fields. This gives the device a GURPS scan rating of 8 in scan mode.
In GRAvity Detection and Ranging (GRADAR) mode a CMC can be used to detect B/G propulsion fields or artificial gravity. The following modifiers apply.
Object is using
Barnes-Gutierrez Hyperspace Engine propulsion +4
Force Screen up +4
Gravitic or gravity beam weapon or tractor/pressor beam +5*
*Grav Pulse Weapons @ TLA are routinely shielded to prevent detection
Cloaking technology -12(+1 per TL level below the sensor)
Detection Reveals the objects bearing, its approximate mass to the ton, and its speed within 10 mph. Also determines if whether any gravity manipulating technology is in use.
Recognition Reveals the objects range and reveals its size. Revels which gravity manipulation technology is being used.
Identification Reveals the exact size and weight of the object. Details of gravity manipulation technology. If technology is local identification of model and manufacturer may be possible.
In Imaging mode it can be detected by another gravscanner at double its maximum range or 3000 ft.


A multiscanner is a multifunction energy scanner. Unlike a gravscanner which is a passive device a multiscanner is an active scanning device which can itself be detected by a radscanner at twice it's normal range. For a CMC this is about 3000 ft or about half a mile . This gives it a GURPS scan value of 9.
If used with the gravscanner in imaging mode range is limited to 150 ft.
A TLA CMC can scan in all modes in parallel. This is made possible by the CMC's processing power. A TLC CMC can only use one multiscanner mode at a time.
In scanner mode the user can interactively attempt to scan each individual object in range.
Each mode will be covered below.


Radscanner mode can act as an advanced radar/radio/laser direction finder. In radscanner mode the device is passive and emits no energy that can be detected by another radscanner. A successful Detection or above roll indicates the source of the signal has been located. This includes bearing. Detection and Recognition indicates the specific type of signal has been identified, i.e. comm signal, radar, AESA or power plant. Detection, Recognition and Identification means the type of device had been found. i.e. a model Gradfield Air Search Radar. If a power plant the MW output of the plant is known. If power output of unit is known then range can be calculated.


A bioscanner can be used to identify lifeforms. It can identify specific species and with a proper library database identify specific individuals through their unique DNA. A successful Detection or above roll indicates the type (species) of the lifeform has been identified. i.e. a bear vs. a human. Detection and Recognition indicates more specific identification. It can differentiate a German Shepherd from a chiwawa.  Detection, Recognition and Identification means a specific individual can be found, provided their DNA is on record. The following penalties apply:
-1 per 30 ft of vegetation cover
-1 per 6 feet of water
-1 if behind 5 points (DR and HP) of wall
-1 per DR of armor. Bioscanner can not penetrate a force field.
-20 (+1 per TL below sensor) Cloaking technology
Known biological life forms can be filtered out by the CMC processor but requires the lifeform be in the database. So common and easy to do in an Terran forest. Perhaps not easy on an unfamiliar planet. The bioscanner is an active sensor and can be detected by a radscanner at twice its maximum range or 6000 ft.


Can detect specific chemical compounds or elements A successful Detection or above roll indicates the type compound or element. i.e. a pure metal or organic compound. Detection and Recognition indicates more specific identification. An alkali, a crystalline metal.   Detection, Recognition and Identification means a specific chemical compound.  C8H10N4O2 (coffee). The following penalties apply:
-1 per 30 ft of vegetation cover
-1 per 6 feet of water
-1 if behind 5 points (DR and HP) of wall. -1 per 5 points.
-1 per DR of armor. Bioscanner can not penetrate a force field.
-20 (+1 per TL below sensor) Cloaking technology
Known elemental and chemical compounds can be filtered out by the CMC processor but requires the compound be in the database. Classic chalk and wood frame walls and modern hollow cermacrete walls provide only a slight penalty as noted above. The chemscanner is an active sensor and can be detected by a radscanner at twice its maximum range or 6000 ft.


Passive Electromagnetic Sensor Array (PESA) sensors are a radiation imager. It basically combines thermograph IR and passive radar into a single sensor. It is a broadband sensor that can also operate in the range of visible light. So it can operate as a low light CCTV with magnification. A CMC PESA can be used to record video, but while typically only video in the visible range is displayed during playback the PESA recording actually includes a full spectrum recording of the recorded scene. PESA is line of sight, so outdoors is limited to the horizon. Certain types of materials are opaque to IR or visible light, so in real conditions sometimes only parts of the spectrum can be recorded. For example an ordinary glass window will block IR, but permit visible light and UV to penetrate. A CMC recording made through such a window will record a blank surface where the glass is in the IR range, though it will still be able to record in the visible light range.

The CMC PESA is hyperspectral, that is it combines its full scan wavelength range into a single picture. It's post processing real time viewing software can combine visible imagery with thermograph or UV imagery to give a more complete picture or what it sees. It can also magnify up to 10 times, which gives a +6 for object already detected and a +3 to see undetected objects.
The following penalties apply:
-1 per 150 ft of vegetation cover
-1 per 3 feet of water
-1 per 150 ft of rain or snow
PESA can receive any emission that leak out of a force field. If someone can see through a force field then a PESA unit can record it.
-4 (+1 per TL below sensor) IR cloaking (in thermograph wavelengths only)
-1 x jamming rating.
+2 if silhouetted against sky
-20 (+1 per TL below sensor) Cloaking technology
A successful Detection gives a bearing and approximate size as well as temperature contrast. Medium size powerplant, hot. Detection and Recognition indicates more specific identification. A man.   Detection, Recognition and Identification gives sharp definition. Large turrented vehicle. If the design is in the library or a com accessible database full information is available. Model X275 Frathman Surface Battlerider, Mod 4.
Barring weather or specific jamming assume PESA can record anything a human can see with their naked eye all the way to the horizon or beyond. Note that resolution may suffer.


Active Electromagnetic Sensor Array (AESA) in a CMC consists of an active EM projector used with the PESA sensor system and postprocessing software to extend the capabilities of the PESA unit. In PESA operation the sensors use ambient EM radiation, be it visible light, UV from a sun, or electromagnetic radiation from an existing communication network. In AESA operation the CMC produces its own radiation to provide greater resolution and image fidelity. A CMC can work in only a single AESA mode at a time, though the associated PESA sensors can continue to receive data from it's full range of sensors. An AESA can switch between imaging radar, LADAR (LAser Detecting And Ranging), and visible light (torch) modes.
Range for a CMC in AESA mode is 1500 ft with a Scan rating of 8. Beyond that distance sensors are relying on ambient radiation or operating as a PESA. The following penalties apply:
-1 per 150 ft of vegetation cover
-8 per 3 feet of water
-1 per 15 ft of rain or snow
LADAR cannot penetrate a force field.
-1 x jamming rating. No penalty against lower TL jammers.
-5 or -2 per yard which ever is worse Chaff
Blackout gas no LADAR penetration
+2 if silhouetted against sky
-12 (+1 per TL below sensor) Cloaking technology
A successful Detection gives a bearing and approximate size, range and speed. Medium size transport capsul. Detection and Recognition indicates specific shape. A man.   Detection, Recognition and Identification gives sharp definition. Large turrented vehicle. If the design is in the library or a com accessible database full information is available. Model X275 Frathman Surface Battlerider, Mod 4.
For Radar, Imaging Radar
-1 per 15 ft of vegetation cover
-2 per 3 feet of water
-1 rain or snow
Radar imaging cannot penetrate a force field.
-1 x jamming rating. No penalty against lower TL jammers.
-5 or -2 per yard which ever is worse Chaff
-4 if not silhouetted against sky
-20 (+1 per TL below sensor) Cloaking technology
A successful Detection gives a bearing and approximate size as well as temperature contrast. Medium size powerplant, hot. Detection and Recognition indicates more specific identification. A man.   Detection, Recognition and Identification gives sharp definition. Large turrented vehicle. If the design is in the library or a com accessible database full information is available. Model X275 Frathman Surface Battlerider, Mod 4.
For visible, IR and UV an AESA unit acts as a torch whose radiation enhances the ability of PESA to receive them. Basically if within range, absent weather or vegetation modifiers a PESA gets automatic identification if the visible, IR or UV modes are used. Note the AESA can project in all three mode simultaneously (but not at the same time as when operating in Radar or LADAR mode). The visible light mode also means objects are also visible to the naked eye. The CMC is being used as a torch. Use in this mode is detectable at 5 times it range by a radscanner, or in the case of visible light at night, at 5 x its maximum range or 7500 ft, almost a mile and a half.


The magnetometer was an early addition to the mobile device and the CMC retains this capability. Any CMC can be used as a magnetic compass on any world with a magnetic field. It must be remembered however that not all planets have a magnetic field and that on those that do magnetic north may not correspond to true north. If the CMC is properly calibrated when in the magnetic field and proper software is installed to compensate for the local environment the CMC can act as an adequate magnetic compass. 
A CMC can also act as a Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD). A MAD detects the fluctuations in a planetary magnetic field due to the movement of large ferrous metallic objects. Such objects can be tracked, their mass, size and speed determined. A MAD can also detect the magnetic fields used by maglev, the MHD technology used in fusion plants, unshielded gauss weaponry and particle weapons. Gauss and particle weapons can be detected at 5 x their maximum range. An MAD is not a line of sight sensor and it can scan through (nonferrous) walls. A CMC magnetometer has a range of 528 ft and a scan rating of 5.
At close range (50 ft) a magnetic field can be plotted by The CMC and integrated into imaging. 
The following modifiers apply:
If object is below TLF and is armored or made of metal use Size modifier normally. At higher TLs hulls and armour are typically ceramic or some kind of nonferrous smart metal in nature.
+8 Maglev or MHD technology. (+1 per 10x kW). For example 103 kW = 100 kW so modifier is (+8 +3=+11) to roll.
+5 Unshielded gauss and particle beam weapons. (Almost all military grade gauss weapons are shielded.)
-20 (+1 per TL below sensor) Cloaking technology.
If an object is not ferrous, or discharged a weapon or uses magnetic technology it cannot be detected. Motors and other minor magnetic devices can be detected at .1 the range or 5 ft for a CMC.
A successful Detection gives a bearing and signal strength. Medium size powerplant. Detection and Recognition indicates more specific identification, provided the fingerprint is in the database. Speed and power output will be within nearest 20 mph and power within an order of magnitude. An aircar travelling at 250 mph.   Identification is not possible using an MAD.


The CMC can record sound in a wide range, in the frequencies normally within human hearing and in ranges both far above and far below them. It can also be used as a Sonar (SOund Navigation and Ranging) device. As a recording device a CMC is basically able to do bearing and range calculations, as well as recording. If it can hear it it can do range and bearing. Transmission profiling software allows sounds in the database to be matched to their sources, very handing for location of a specific animal by its cry or a human by their voice. 
Active sonar can be used to accurately measure a room in seconds, as opposed to the longer scan used by the gavscanner. Of course one must be in the room to measure it!
In water a CMC can act as a depth finder. If in contact with the ground it can be used as a geophone to detect tunneling or movement.
+5 to detect tunneling
-2 extremely low ground pressure (footsteps)
-1 low ground pressure
+1 high ground pressure
+2 very high ground pressure
Detection gives a bearing and signal strength and whether it is moving closer. Detection and Recognition identifies the ground propulsion method being used   Identification reveals the mass of the object in pounds and its speed  in mph.


The CMC has the ability to interface with a variety of different communication networks using a number of protocols. The range of these devices is based on a number of factors. Certain kinds of networks deliberately limit transmission power to prevent swamping nodes farther away from the user. 
As a point to point device the CMC has a range of about 10 miles. This is a line of sight capability and large geological features like mountains can severely limit range. In this mode a CMC can also be used to connect to a node on a larger network. This means that where there is a cell communication network, standard for the inhabited regions of most worlds, a CMC can connect to it as long as there is a node within 10 miles. Most urban areas will have local nodes that will compensate for the signal degradation due to structures.
In the New Diaporia universe, at least in the Highlands it has long been recognized that everything is data; voice, text, video, etc. all travel on the same networks.
In this mode the CMC can also use a repeater node on a vessel to connect. This is the method spacers use to connect to their ship in orbit using the repeater on the transport capsule or brake used for landing.
As a receiver a CMC can detect signals from orbit. This is used for Geographic Position Systems (GPS) operation on worlds that have this system. In the Highlands this is every inhabited planet. Even outside in the Midlands GPS is such a useful system, and with Barnes-Gutierrez gravity technology so cheap to emplace, that only the most backward or repressive worlds will not have such a system.
Com systems can best be separated as Network, Broadcast and Recording.
The CMC Broadcast capabilities have already been covered. Point to point transmit and reception of signals, voice, video and data directly to another CMC.
Network capabilities encompass a number of protocols. Communication in voice, video, data or text through a commercial network which typically requires a small automatic access fee. Such fees can be ad hoc or subscritional. Most Highland CMC users pay a subscription fee to access the interweb. Legion and Ranger users have access to their own tactical networks which have highly secure gateways also into the commercial networks. Even the most open civilian systems will be highly encrypted for user privacy. Legion and Ranger systems use advanced encryption beyond the ability of any but someone with nation-state level ability to compromise, and even that is unlikely for anyone not having TLA level technology.
Recording can be from local CMC sensors or through the network or broadcast interface.


All of the CMC's sensors and communication functions depend upon the computer processing power of the device's computer processors and installed memory. Every sensor uses postprocessing of the data flow to integrate and display the information that it receives. 
The data library contains information used to interpret the various sensor inputs and provides a method by which target identification can be provided. If a network connection is available additional information can be accessed to increase the devices capabilities.
Legion CMC's have access to custom applications that extend the capabilities of what is merely a ruggedized version of the commodity CMC hardware.
The CMC provides a interface terminal to commercial or tactical networks. At TLA the complexity of a CMC is 9.
Minimum functional CMC software is basic level software and open source. Most users buy or create custom software to enhance the capabilities of their devices. Legion members have a wide variety of custom and routinely unavailable applications available to them.


A CMC can operate on a B power cell for 12 hours. It can be recharged by placing it on a charging pad for 1 hour. A CMC's screen doubles as a solar cell and it can recharge in 2 hours if left in the equivalent of Earth standard sunlight. 

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