In the universe of the New Diasporia nanomaterials have been around for a long time. The field of nanomaterials encompasses a materials- based approach to nanotechnology. Unlike the nanite based microelectronic field of nanorobotics upon which later tech levels are based nanomaterials are not strictly speaking nanomachine based. Most nanomaterial properties are based on quantum mechanical effects. Novel material properties become apparent in the nanoscopic region. For example opaque substances become tranparent (copper), stable materials become combustible (aluminum), isulators become conductors (silicone), solids exhibit the characteristics of liquids (gold). Many of these properties are used in the construction of nanomachines, however many materials such as ceramics, alloys and fixed powders can evidence properties which are unattainable at larger sizes, but do not require a mastery of advanced nanorobotics.
In the game mechanics of New Diasporia nanomaterials are sometimes invoked as a mechanism to alter the GURPS 3ed. rule set for the background or as an in universe explanation for how some of the tech works.
A particular example is spacecraft "skin." New Diasporia spacecraft at the TLA technology level have two characteristics which are not standard GURPS properties.
The first is stealth. In GURPS VE 2nd Edition rules only streamlined vehicles can be stealthy. This is an extension of existing stealth designs which are based on LO or low observable technology. This technology depends on both surface shape and composition. In the New Diasporia rules a nanomaterial stealth coating allows even unstreamlined vehicles to have basic or radical stealth characteristics. Stealth reduces a vehicle's chances of being detected by active sensors. Typically only military vessels will have radical stealth. Naturally such nanomaterial stealth like other crystal skin properties is adjustable, so a ship with stealthy "skin" can be unstealthy at will.
The second is solar cells or rather solar power accumulating skin. VE 2nd allows, at TL11+ for direct surface mounting of solar cells using the formula solar cell sqft = hull area/2. New Diasporia allows total coverage to be equal to any skin area not occupied by weapons or sensors. Even windows can absorb sunlight in the non-visible spectrum. Calculate output of the solar absorbtion system by calculating the square footage of "skin" and use the TL9+ value of .08 kW per sqft. pwr = hull area x .08. Actual effective output is typically one-half of that number since typically only one side of the craft can face the sun. It is possible of course to sit between binary suns and get maximum output, but that is a special case. The craft skin can still have stealth, infrared or liquid crystal skin.
Broadly speaking TLA is roughly equivalent to GURPS TL14. Nanomaterials first become widely available at TLF, so are widely used on even fairly obsolete vessels. Standard Tech Level GURPS rule relationships between sensor and stealth/emission control effectiveness are used. So sensors from higher Tech Levels are more effective against sensor masking techniques of lower Tech Levels.
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