Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Darvis of Fabury

Christopher Darvis was born to a devout family on the Highland world of Fabury in 2275. Like all but one of his brothers he followed his parents into service with the Star Legion. In 2303 he tendered his resignation with the intention of taking up the religious life. His brother Henry had years before taken vows as a Third Order Franciscan and Christopher sought to emulate him. He was not especially supported by his parents in this endeavor, mostly account of his temperament and skill at soldiering.
While at Fabury awaiting transport to the monastery where he was to start discernment Christopher had a dream. In the dream he stood before a table on which sat a golden cross. He reach for the cross, but when he touched it it became a sword. Aghast he dropped the sword and it turned back into a cross. He bent to pick up the cross and it became a shield. On the shield was a star pattern. It was a crown of twelve stars on a blue background. Christopher recognized it as the group called Our Lady's Crown, unique in that it consisted of stars which were all located in a particular segment of the Wilds.
Christopher awoke and told his parents of his dream. He insisted that it was his calling to go to the Wilds, not as a missionary, but as a soldier. Worried his father insisted Christopher speak with the bishop. Amazingly the bishop had received an endowment from a donor for the missions in the Wild, but needed a courier to carry it. Christopher had the training to pilot a ship to the Wilds but no ship. 
A schooner was found and outfitted through the generosity of the Knights of Columbus, at the request of the bishop. Darvis along with a few companions set out for the Wilds.
Christianity is full of tales, history, of individuals, some of them Saints who receive a vision or dream from God which sets them on the path of their life.  St. Paul's vision on the road to Damascus made him an Apostle. St John Bosco's dream inspired him to found an order which took care of boys .  Even Constantine, whose dream of the cross helped make Christianity the lawful Roman religion can be counted among this group. Both Francis of Assisi whose dreams and visions sent him upon his mission and Pope Innocent III whose dreams led him to support Francis were guided by such dreams. They are an indication that there is more to reality than what can be easily measured. They are part of the world of New Diasporia.

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