Friday, February 18, 2011

Guardian Wand

The guardian wand is a weapon typically carried by both members of the Rangers and many officers of the Star Legion. Originally the wand was a simple baton capable of delivering a neural shock, used primarily as a non-lethal weapon to control an unruly individual. As technology progressed wands with newer features were developed. The TL A version of the wand is a marvel of technology. The wand is approximately 14 inches long in its collapsed state. In its extended state the device has the look of a tonfa, or side arm baton, 24 inches long with a side handle.

As the device is made out of a nanotube reinforced hyperdense smart material, which is almost indestructible, it can be used as a tonfa or baton without damage. The handle is made of memory material allowing it to be retracted into the wand creating a conventional baton.
 The wand is monomorphic, that is it is tuned to only allow its owner to operate it. A protective device will deliver a shock to anyone else who tries to use it. As might be expected given its capabilities the weapon is controlled by a powerful microprocessor. There are controls to extend the side handle, extend the wand to its full length, select ammo type, adjust gravity pulse speed (for sonic boom suppression and direct fire,) activate shock or sonic blast, etc.
The wand incorporates a gravity pulse gun capable of firing two kinds of ammunition or no ammunition at all. The wand has two cylindrical magazines, each of which is capable of selecting specific ammunition types from the magazine. One magazine is for standard rounds and one for LCSA rounds. Basic ammunition types are smart projectiles and ballistic projectiles. In smart ammo mode the gravity pulse launches the ammunition which then continues to the target under its own power. When firing ballistic ammunition the firing speed of the projectiles can be adjusted to prevent them from breaking the sound barrier. Neither smart nor ballistic projectile can be made to go slow enough to penetrate a force screen.

Ballistic projectiles include solid core and hypervelocity spheroids. Smart needles can also be fired in ballistic mode.
A gravity pulse gun is a weapon that can provide crushing damage. Such a weapon can penetrate almost all types of standard armor and is even effective against force screens, which protect at 1/100 of their normal DR. In its direct fire mode the wand uses much more energy than when firing projectiles.
The forward half of the wand can be used to deliver a stunning shock to a foe. It can also be used as a neurolash, stun wand and as a sonic blade. Since all of these devices use the same energy cell the user must stay aware of how much energy is left in the weapon power pack.
Specific game mechanics for GURPS 3e follow.

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