Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Actors of St. John Paul

The charism of an order is any of the spiritual graces and special characteristics which are exhibited by the order as a result of the vows they have taken and the orientation of the order to its task in the Church. Traditional charisms are embodied in the works of a teaching order (Jesuits) as compared with that of a missionary order (Maryknolls) or one devoted to the care of the poor(Missionaries of Charity). Often in the Church new orders, with new charisms, come into being to address some new situation or difficulty for the Church. For example the Dominicans (the Order of Preachers) was founded to counteract the Albigensian heresy.
One such order founded in the declining years of the Progressive Era is the Actors of St. John Paul. Founded by Blessed Curro Aguilar the special charisms of the Actors is the preaching of the Gospel and the teachings of the Church, especially to young people, through the medium of performance.
When the diaspora occurred members of the order quickly followed the spreading humanity to ensure that faith was not left behind.
The order's work in this area have resulted in the formation of the largest fleet of private couriers in both the Midlands and the Wilds, almost exclusively dedicated to the service of the Church.
Where ever they go Actors establish radio and video communication systems. They foster theater and music, all dedicated to teaching the faith of the Church, especially to the young.
Members of the order can most readily be identified by their devotion to Mary. While most have adopted the black jumpsuit with Roman collar worn by many other priests, they uniquely wear a blue rosary bracelet which is worn with another bracelet which consists of five white stones upon which are engraved the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary.
Actor courier ships tend to be run like small monasteries, with the crews following the order of the hours amid their shipboard work. They uniquely contain not only a chapel, but also a stage/studio where the performance of Christian plays is a regular occurrence.
The order is headed by a Master of the Order, who during the time period of New Diasporia is Fr. Nicolas Socius. Because the area of the New Diasporia is so far ranging local provincial governors have great flexibility and independence, as long as they keep to the rule of the order. Individual communities, which may be a ships crew or provincial house are run by a director, who is appointed by the provincial, with concurrence of the Master of the Order. The Master is appointed by the Pope from a list of three candidates proposed by the provincials. A number of roving censors act as agents of the Master and report to him on the functioning of the various communities.
Individual Actors sometimes take assignments from local Bishops or even the Holy Father himself. There have been several Actors who have been raised to Cardinal in the past, but none at the present time.

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