Saturday, March 5, 2011

St. Martin

St. Martin is a TL A world in the diocese of the same name. It is a crossroads where Major Rt 232 meets Major Rt. 221. Highway 6622 also opens on this world. It has a population of 2 billion people spread out over a dozen large population centers and numerous smaller villages and towns.
There is a Highland Rangers Station located in orbit around St. Martin's primary. It is under the command of a Lieutenant of Rangers and is the base for a relatively large number of patrol corvettes which patrol the surrounding dioceses.
While there are tens of thousands of local churches, chapels and oratories, belonging to a number of different rites located on St. Martin, there are only two major churches. The Syro-Malabar Catholic Cathedral named for St. Joseph is located in Thalasserry, St. Martin's largest city. St. Barnabas Basilica, a church of the Roman Rite, is also on St. Martin. At one time St. Barnabas was the Roman bishop's seat in the diocese, but fifty years ago the seat was moved to WoodSocket, the location of the Shrine of Our Lady of WoodSocket.
St. Martin has a massive transmat system which joins together all of the major cities and many of the smaller ones. Many of the towns and villages are also connected to regional transmat terminals which allow rapid travel to almost anywhere on the planet. This is supplemented by a legacy hybrid transmat enhanced high speed train system from the early days of transmat use,
The relatively ubiquitous presence of transmat portals means that the population to vehicle ratio on St. Martin is very high. Power vehicles are generally for industrial use, or primarily for off world private use.
Like many worlds in the Grand Human Union the government of St. Martin can best be described as a republic. The world itself is divided into 100 Governoral Districts. Each district elects a governor, who is the chief executive officer of the district, as well as a District Council. Each district also elects a representative to the Planetary Council, which meets in Thalasserry at Government House. Districts are not of fixed geographic size, rather they more or less are designed to be relatively equal in population, though due to migration this is not always the case. A few Districts have relatively small population and so tend to be unequally represented.
The Planetary Council appoints a representative to the Grand Parliament to represent St. Martin in the Upper House. Citizens of St. Martin also vote, along with other citizens of the county for a representative to the Lower House of Parliament.

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