Monday, April 4, 2011

Wild Campaigning

Now it should not be a surprise that the farther one gets into the Wilds the more bizarre and disordered the indigenous civilizations tend to become.
People at the rim do not tend to come from the Highlands. They are not typically orthodox in their religious beliefs, nor are they well educated in Natural Law and the consequences of ignoring its conclusions. Many have fled to the rim precisely because the consequences of poor societal decisions have caught up with the places of their origin, be it economic collapse, sociological instability or moral confusion.
In many places the Church has attempted to re-inject sanity, holiness and rationality in to civilizations which have strayed from reality, often facing persecution, martyrdom and other dangers. Often societal disorder is accompanied by loss of technological capability and industrial capacity, resulting in what in the Progressive Era was called a third world economy.
Amazingly there are oasis of high technology and spiritual orthodoxy in the Wilds. Unfortunately often such places are targets for their less enlightened, but more martial neighbors, who see them as little more than a treasure house of valuable booty.
Often the core of such a world is a vibrant reverent respect for the Church and a cadre of faithful clergy, religious and laity. Many have been faithful from the beginning, but more were saved through the actions of a particular Saint, order or Great Hero.
The endeavor to save such a world is a worthwhile goal of a campaign, and a party of PCs, requiring a range of skills and activities. These include proselytizing, evangelization, and often combat, against external foes and internal rivals. The Just War doctrine exists for a reason and no one is required to stand by and see people slaughtered when they have the power to prevent it.
There are certainly some kinds of characters who are best for this kind of game. Suggestions follow.

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