On board ship and in workshops and factories the CMC/T is often used as a portable remote control station for equipment. It gives its user a larger interface without requiring a flat surface to support a holographic touch projection. Many users find the CMC/T a better choice when used as an ereader or media device. Like the CMC it can be biometrically locked to only allow certain users access. Like the CMC it can run a variety of specialized software packages to customize it for specific uses.
New Diasporia is a Catholic Christian science fiction RPG. In it there is true Good and true Evil and a billion billion normal sinful human souls some attempting to attain holiness, some just trying to survive what the universe throws at them. The science is speculative hard. That means its more like Traveller than like Farscape or Lexx. The theology is Catholic/Orthodox.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
The CMC/T trades portability for a larger screen and more sophisticated holographic interface. Effectively just a CMC in a larger form factor the CMC/T uses the same commodity sensor hardware as a regular CMC with the same power and range properties.
Because of its larger holographic projector a CMC/T can be used to support a conference room meeting using remote connections from multiple sources.
On board ship and in workshops and factories the CMC/T is often used as a portable remote control station for equipment. It gives its user a larger interface without requiring a flat surface to support a holographic touch projection. Many users find the CMC/T a better choice when used as an ereader or media device. Like the CMC it can be biometrically locked to only allow certain users access. Like the CMC it can run a variety of specialized software packages to customize it for specific uses.
On board ship and in workshops and factories the CMC/T is often used as a portable remote control station for equipment. It gives its user a larger interface without requiring a flat surface to support a holographic touch projection. Many users find the CMC/T a better choice when used as an ereader or media device. Like the CMC it can be biometrically locked to only allow certain users access. Like the CMC it can run a variety of specialized software packages to customize it for specific uses.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
CMC Rules
Because the CMC is a device unique to New Diasporia I have included this page on rules for using CMC devices. As I have explained before New Diasporia is a game background. For many aspects of the game any rule system will do, and because many RPG rulesets dedicated to science fiction already include rules for handheld sensor and communication devices feel free to completely disregard this post if you prefer the rules you are familiar with or are already integrated into the ruleset of your choice. I should start by stating that these rules are based upon the sensor rules for GURPS, of which both the 3rd edition, which I use, and the 4th edition which I do not (but sometimes steal shamelessly from) were developed by David Pulver.
As already stated I do not use GURPS's 2 plus TL of development progression limits. In New Diasporia new technological developments for devices continue as TL levels increase. This basically means that most technology gets smaller, lighter and more energy efficient as TL increases. This tends to mean that while a device at its original TL might be as big as a bread box and require mains power in a half dozen TLs it's likely to fit in a thimble and run for a week on a AA cell.
CMCs are basically superscience enhanced cell phones. Their range is generally very limited compared to vehicle mounted sensors. The ranges and capabilities document here are for TLA CMC devices. At lower TLs range is generally lower to allow devices of the same size and weight to be used so that a CMC is always in the .4-.5 lbs range and has a display that is in the 5.5 to 6 inch range.
Size Modifier Table
Speed/Range is not terribly important when using an CMC. Most vehicles that are moving at all will have a modifier large enough to make detection automatic if within range. A scanning CMC will always detect a moving vehicle within its line of sight.
Sensor Scan Table
In some modes or with some applications additional special bonuses will apply. For example when connected to a shipboard or planetary database library, rather than its own internal library a bioscan ID of an individual may be considered to be a critical success if the individual was Detected and Recognized.
Force Screens block all active sensors (AESA, gravscanners in Imaging mode, bioscanners and chemscanners.) GRADAR can detect the field itself.
As already stated I do not use GURPS's 2 plus TL of development progression limits. In New Diasporia new technological developments for devices continue as TL levels increase. This basically means that most technology gets smaller, lighter and more energy efficient as TL increases. This tends to mean that while a device at its original TL might be as big as a bread box and require mains power in a half dozen TLs it's likely to fit in a thimble and run for a week on a AA cell.
CMCs are basically superscience enhanced cell phones. Their range is generally very limited compared to vehicle mounted sensors. The ranges and capabilities document here are for TLA CMC devices. At lower TLs range is generally lower to allow devices of the same size and weight to be used so that a CMC is always in the .4-.5 lbs range and has a display that is in the 5.5 to 6 inch range.
Sensor rules
I should go over the sensor rules that I use. They are based on GURPS 3rd Edition. Basically the skill of the sensor operator is modified by the characteristics of the sensor and a result is given by how successful the roll is. The GM makes the roll after applying the modifiers the the player's skill stat in using that sensor. A non-expert is assumed to have a minimum default stat of 11 at their own TL. If using GURPS rules default is IQ-5. When using a CMC with special software, such as with a medical scanner application, skill is directly related to the skill level in that profession. So a physician or someone with diagnostics skills uses their skill level in those skills, typically 12- 18, with 18 being an expert. Anyone else gets IQ-7.
Modifiers are the sensor's scan rating, the object's size (for detecting a vehicle, object, or person), Speed/Range, Special, prior contact, and distraction and sometime a unique sensor type modifier.
The scan rating is based upon the range to the object (see the scan table below). For the size modifier see the size modifier table. Humans and smaller objects, have a size modifier of 0. Some indirect sensors do not use size modifiers in the same way, as explained below. If the object is beyond the range of the sensor it cannot be seen. Note that object of certain sizes are always within range of specific sensors. For example a PESA visual scan will always be able to record a planet or mountain that a person can see with the naked eye. Of course minimum resolution might prevent any kind of meaningful detail of the image. Most sensor can detect a fast moving object easier than they can detect a motionless one. A Special modifier is applied when certain types of sensors and evasion technologies are used. Prior contact gives a +4 bonus if the target was previously detected visually or using another sensor. If the total of all the modifiers is -10 or more detection is impossible. If the bonus is +10 detection is automatic. Else roll vs. the operator's sensor skill and take the degree of success from the Sensor Scan Table. GURPS rules include many more entries in their tables than I've included below. These tables encompass only use of CMC. For other sensor sets you'll have to check the GURPS rulebooks because I'm not copying them here.
Range to Scan Table
Size Modifier is assigned for vehicles when they are designed in the GURPS vehicle system. Ships and vehicles in New Diasporia are based on cuft. For comparison a standard midsize car is about 120 cuft. A van is 300 to 400 cuft. Ships are thousands and hundreds or thousands cuft.Range to Scan Table
Range (Mile)
Range (Mile)
Size Modifier Table
Volume (cuft)
Volume (cuft)
Speed/Range is not terribly important when using an CMC. Most vehicles that are moving at all will have a modifier large enough to make detection automatic if within range. A scanning CMC will always detect a moving vehicle within its line of sight.
Sensor Scan Table
Degree of Success
Critical Failure
Contact error
Failure by +3
No contact
Failure by 1-2
Detection- by may be spoofed
Success by 0-2
Success by 3-4
Detection and Recognition
Success by 5+ or critical success
Detection, Recognition and Identification
Force Screens block all active sensors (AESA, gravscanners in Imaging mode, bioscanners and chemscanners.) GRADAR can detect the field itself.
Gravscanners have two modes. In the gravscanner Imaging mode the CMC can create what is effectively an x-ray hologram of an object. It can scan 46 cuft per second and has a range of 1,500 feet in scan mode but is limited to 150 feet if the user wants to integrate other scanning modes with the Image. It cannot penetrate a full force field, but can penetrate the relatively light fields used for structural integrity fields. This gives the device a GURPS scan rating of 8 in scan mode.
In GRAvity Detection and Ranging (GRADAR) mode a CMC can be used to detect B/G propulsion fields or artificial gravity. The following modifiers apply.
Object is using
Barnes-Gutierrez Hyperspace Engine propulsion +4
Force Screen up +4
Gravitic or gravity beam weapon or tractor/pressor beam +5*
*Grav Pulse Weapons @ TLA are routinely shielded to prevent detection
Cloaking technology -12(+1 per TL level below the sensor)
Detection Reveals the objects bearing, its approximate mass to the ton, and its speed within 10 mph. Also determines if whether any gravity manipulating technology is in use.
Recognition Reveals the objects range and reveals its size. Revels which gravity manipulation technology is being used.
Identification Reveals the exact size and weight of the object. Details of gravity manipulation technology. If technology is local identification of model and manufacturer may be possible.
In Imaging mode it can be detected by another gravscanner at double its maximum range or 3000 ft.
If used with the gravscanner in imaging mode range is limited to 150 ft.
A TLA CMC can scan in all modes in parallel. This is made possible by the CMC's processing power. A TLC CMC can only use one multiscanner mode at a time.
In scanner mode the user can interactively attempt to scan each individual object in range.
Each mode will be covered below.
The CMC PESA is hyperspectral, that is it combines its full scan wavelength range into a single picture. It's post processing real time viewing software can combine visible imagery with thermograph or UV imagery to give a more complete picture or what it sees. It can also magnify up to 10 times, which gives a +6 for object already detected and a +3 to see undetected objects.
The following penalties apply:
Object is using
Barnes-Gutierrez Hyperspace Engine propulsion +4
Force Screen up +4
Gravitic or gravity beam weapon or tractor/pressor beam +5*
*Grav Pulse Weapons @ TLA are routinely shielded to prevent detection
Cloaking technology -12(+1 per TL level below the sensor)
Detection Reveals the objects bearing, its approximate mass to the ton, and its speed within 10 mph. Also determines if whether any gravity manipulating technology is in use.
Recognition Reveals the objects range and reveals its size. Revels which gravity manipulation technology is being used.
Identification Reveals the exact size and weight of the object. Details of gravity manipulation technology. If technology is local identification of model and manufacturer may be possible.
In Imaging mode it can be detected by another gravscanner at double its maximum range or 3000 ft.
A multiscanner is a multifunction energy scanner. Unlike a gravscanner which is a passive device a multiscanner is an active scanning device which can itself be detected by a radscanner at twice it's normal range. For a CMC this is about 3000 ft or about half a mile . This gives it a GURPS scan value of 9.If used with the gravscanner in imaging mode range is limited to 150 ft.
A TLA CMC can scan in all modes in parallel. This is made possible by the CMC's processing power. A TLC CMC can only use one multiscanner mode at a time.
In scanner mode the user can interactively attempt to scan each individual object in range.
Each mode will be covered below.
Radscanner mode can act as an advanced radar/radio/laser direction finder. In radscanner mode the device is passive and emits no energy that can be detected by another radscanner. A successful Detection or above roll indicates the source of the signal has been located. This includes bearing. Detection and Recognition indicates the specific type of signal has been identified, i.e. comm signal, radar, AESA or power plant. Detection, Recognition and Identification means the type of device had been found. i.e. a model Gradfield Air Search Radar. If a power plant the MW output of the plant is known. If power output of unit is known then range can be calculated.
A bioscanner can be used to identify lifeforms. It can identify specific species and with a proper library database identify specific individuals through their unique DNA. A successful Detection or above roll indicates the type (species) of the lifeform has been identified. i.e. a bear vs. a human. Detection and Recognition indicates more specific identification. It can differentiate a German Shepherd from a chiwawa. Detection, Recognition and Identification means a specific individual can be found, provided their DNA is on record. The following penalties apply:
-1 per 30 ft of vegetation cover
-1 per 6 feet of water
-1 if behind 5 points (DR and HP) of wall
-1 per DR of armor. Bioscanner can not penetrate a force field.
-20 (+1 per TL below sensor) Cloaking technology
Known biological life forms can be filtered out by the CMC processor but requires the lifeform be in the database. So common and easy to do in an Terran forest. Perhaps not easy on an unfamiliar planet. The bioscanner is an active sensor and can be detected by a radscanner at twice its maximum range or 6000 ft.
Can detect specific chemical compounds or elements A successful Detection or above roll indicates the type compound or element. i.e. a pure metal or organic compound. Detection and Recognition indicates more specific identification. An alkali, a crystalline metal. Detection, Recognition and Identification means a specific chemical compound. C8H10N4O2 (coffee). The following penalties apply:
Passive Electromagnetic Sensor Array (PESA) sensors are a radiation imager. It basically combines thermograph IR and passive radar into a single sensor. It is a broadband sensor that can also operate in the range of visible light. So it can operate as a low light CCTV with magnification. A CMC PESA can be used to record video, but while typically only video in the visible range is displayed during playback the PESA recording actually includes a full spectrum recording of the recorded scene. PESA is line of sight, so outdoors is limited to the horizon. Certain types of materials are opaque to IR or visible light, so in real conditions sometimes only parts of the spectrum can be recorded. For example an ordinary glass window will block IR, but permit visible light and UV to penetrate. A CMC recording made through such a window will record a blank surface where the glass is in the IR range, though it will still be able to record in the visible light range.
-1 per 30 ft of vegetation cover
-1 per 6 feet of water
-1 if behind 5 points (DR and HP) of wall. -1 per 5 points.
-1 per DR of armor. Bioscanner can not penetrate a force field.
-20 (+1 per TL below sensor) Cloaking technology
Known elemental and chemical compounds can be filtered out by the CMC processor but requires the compound be in the database. Classic chalk and wood frame walls and modern hollow cermacrete walls provide only a slight penalty as noted above. The chemscanner is an active sensor and can be detected by a radscanner at twice its maximum range or 6000 ft.PESA
The CMC PESA is hyperspectral, that is it combines its full scan wavelength range into a single picture. It's post processing real time viewing software can combine visible imagery with thermograph or UV imagery to give a more complete picture or what it sees. It can also magnify up to 10 times, which gives a +6 for object already detected and a +3 to see undetected objects.
The following penalties apply:
-1 per 150 ft of vegetation cover
-1 per 3 feet of water
-1 per 150 ft of rain or snow
PESA can receive any emission that leak out of a force field. If someone can see through a force field then a PESA unit can record it.
-4 (+1 per TL below sensor) IR cloaking (in thermograph wavelengths only)
-1 x jamming rating.
+2 if silhouetted against sky
-4 (+1 per TL below sensor) IR cloaking (in thermograph wavelengths only)
-1 x jamming rating.
+2 if silhouetted against sky
-20 (+1 per TL below sensor) Cloaking technology
A successful Detection gives a bearing and approximate size as well as temperature contrast. Medium size powerplant, hot. Detection and Recognition indicates more specific identification. A man. Detection, Recognition and Identification gives sharp definition. Large turrented vehicle. If the design is in the library or a com accessible database full information is available. Model X275 Frathman Surface Battlerider, Mod 4.
Barring weather or specific jamming assume PESA can record anything a human can see with their naked eye all the way to the horizon or beyond. Note that resolution may suffer.
A successful Detection gives a bearing and approximate size as well as temperature contrast. Medium size powerplant, hot. Detection and Recognition indicates more specific identification. A man. Detection, Recognition and Identification gives sharp definition. Large turrented vehicle. If the design is in the library or a com accessible database full information is available. Model X275 Frathman Surface Battlerider, Mod 4.
Barring weather or specific jamming assume PESA can record anything a human can see with their naked eye all the way to the horizon or beyond. Note that resolution may suffer.
Active Electromagnetic Sensor Array (AESA) in a CMC consists of an active EM projector used with the PESA sensor system and postprocessing software to extend the capabilities of the PESA unit. In PESA operation the sensors use ambient EM radiation, be it visible light, UV from a sun, or electromagnetic radiation from an existing communication network. In AESA operation the CMC produces its own radiation to provide greater resolution and image fidelity. A CMC can work in only a single AESA mode at a time, though the associated PESA sensors can continue to receive data from it's full range of sensors. An AESA can switch between imaging radar, LADAR (LAser Detecting And Ranging), and visible light (torch) modes.
Range for a CMC in AESA mode is 1500 ft with a Scan rating of 8. Beyond that distance sensors are relying on ambient radiation or operating as a PESA. The following penalties apply:
-1 per 150 ft of vegetation cover
-8 per 3 feet of water
-1 per 15 ft of rain or snow
LADAR cannot penetrate a force field.
-1 x jamming rating. No penalty against lower TL jammers.
-5 or -2 per yard which ever is worse Chaff
Blackout gas no LADAR penetration
+2 if silhouetted against sky
-1 x jamming rating. No penalty against lower TL jammers.
-5 or -2 per yard which ever is worse Chaff
Blackout gas no LADAR penetration
+2 if silhouetted against sky
-12 (+1 per TL below sensor) Cloaking technology
A successful Detection gives a bearing and approximate size, range and speed. Medium size transport capsul. Detection and Recognition indicates specific shape. A man. Detection, Recognition and Identification gives sharp definition. Large turrented vehicle. If the design is in the library or a com accessible database full information is available. Model X275 Frathman Surface Battlerider, Mod 4.
For Radar, Imaging Radar
A successful Detection gives a bearing and approximate size, range and speed. Medium size transport capsul. Detection and Recognition indicates specific shape. A man. Detection, Recognition and Identification gives sharp definition. Large turrented vehicle. If the design is in the library or a com accessible database full information is available. Model X275 Frathman Surface Battlerider, Mod 4.
For Radar, Imaging Radar
-1 per 15 ft of vegetation cover
-2 per 3 feet of water
-1 rain or snow
Radar imaging cannot penetrate a force field.
-1 x jamming rating. No penalty against lower TL jammers.
-5 or -2 per yard which ever is worse Chaff
-4 if not silhouetted against sky
-1 x jamming rating. No penalty against lower TL jammers.
-5 or -2 per yard which ever is worse Chaff
-4 if not silhouetted against sky
-20 (+1 per TL below sensor) Cloaking technology
A successful Detection gives a bearing and approximate size as well as temperature contrast. Medium size powerplant, hot. Detection and Recognition indicates more specific identification. A man. Detection, Recognition and Identification gives sharp definition. Large turrented vehicle. If the design is in the library or a com accessible database full information is available. Model X275 Frathman Surface Battlerider, Mod 4.
For visible, IR and UV an AESA unit acts as a torch whose radiation enhances the ability of PESA to receive them. Basically if within range, absent weather or vegetation modifiers a PESA gets automatic identification if the visible, IR or UV modes are used. Note the AESA can project in all three mode simultaneously (but not at the same time as when operating in Radar or LADAR mode). The visible light mode also means objects are also visible to the naked eye. The CMC is being used as a torch. Use in this mode is detectable at 5 times it range by a radscanner, or in the case of visible light at night, at 5 x its maximum range or 7500 ft, almost a mile and a half.
A successful Detection gives a bearing and approximate size as well as temperature contrast. Medium size powerplant, hot. Detection and Recognition indicates more specific identification. A man. Detection, Recognition and Identification gives sharp definition. Large turrented vehicle. If the design is in the library or a com accessible database full information is available. Model X275 Frathman Surface Battlerider, Mod 4.
For visible, IR and UV an AESA unit acts as a torch whose radiation enhances the ability of PESA to receive them. Basically if within range, absent weather or vegetation modifiers a PESA gets automatic identification if the visible, IR or UV modes are used. Note the AESA can project in all three mode simultaneously (but not at the same time as when operating in Radar or LADAR mode). The visible light mode also means objects are also visible to the naked eye. The CMC is being used as a torch. Use in this mode is detectable at 5 times it range by a radscanner, or in the case of visible light at night, at 5 x its maximum range or 7500 ft, almost a mile and a half.
The magnetometer was an early addition to the mobile device and the CMC retains this capability. Any CMC can be used as a magnetic compass on any world with a magnetic field. It must be remembered however that not all planets have a magnetic field and that on those that do magnetic north may not correspond to true north. If the CMC is properly calibrated when in the magnetic field and proper software is installed to compensate for the local environment the CMC can act as an adequate magnetic compass.
A CMC can also act as a Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD). A MAD detects the fluctuations in a planetary magnetic field due to the movement of large ferrous metallic objects. Such objects can be tracked, their mass, size and speed determined. A MAD can also detect the magnetic fields used by maglev, the MHD technology used in fusion plants, unshielded gauss weaponry and particle weapons. Gauss and particle weapons can be detected at 5 x their maximum range. An MAD is not a line of sight sensor and it can scan through (nonferrous) walls. A CMC magnetometer has a range of 528 ft and a scan rating of 5.
At close range (50 ft) a magnetic field can be plotted by The CMC and integrated into imaging.
The following modifiers apply:
If object is below TLF and is armored or made of metal use Size modifier normally. At higher TLs hulls and armour are typically ceramic or some kind of nonferrous smart metal in nature.
+8 Maglev or MHD technology. (+1 per 10x kW). For example 103 kW = 100 kW so modifier is (+8 +3=+11) to roll.
+5 Unshielded gauss and particle beam weapons. (Almost all military grade gauss weapons are shielded.)
-20 (+1 per TL below sensor) Cloaking technology.
If an object is not ferrous, or discharged a weapon or uses magnetic technology it cannot be detected. Motors and other minor magnetic devices can be detected at .1 the range or 5 ft for a CMC.
A successful Detection gives a bearing and signal strength. Medium size powerplant. Detection and Recognition indicates more specific identification, provided the fingerprint is in the database. Speed and power output will be within nearest 20 mph and power within an order of magnitude. An aircar travelling at 250 mph. Identification is not possible using an MAD.
The CMC can record sound in a wide range, in the frequencies normally within human hearing and in ranges both far above and far below them. It can also be used as a Sonar (SOund Navigation and Ranging) device. As a recording device a CMC is basically able to do bearing and range calculations, as well as recording. If it can hear it it can do range and bearing. Transmission profiling software allows sounds in the database to be matched to their sources, very handing for location of a specific animal by its cry or a human by their voice.
Active sonar can be used to accurately measure a room in seconds, as opposed to the longer scan used by the gavscanner. Of course one must be in the room to measure it!
In water a CMC can act as a depth finder. If in contact with the ground it can be used as a geophone to detect tunneling or movement.
+5 to detect tunneling
-2 extremely low ground pressure (footsteps)
-1 low ground pressure
+1 high ground pressure
+2 very high ground pressure
Detection gives a bearing and signal strength and whether it is moving closer. Detection and Recognition identifies the ground propulsion method being used Identification reveals the mass of the object in pounds and its speed in mph.
The CMC has the ability to interface with a variety of different communication networks using a number of protocols. The range of these devices is based on a number of factors. Certain kinds of networks deliberately limit transmission power to prevent swamping nodes farther away from the user.
As a point to point device the CMC has a range of about 10 miles. This is a line of sight capability and large geological features like mountains can severely limit range. In this mode a CMC can also be used to connect to a node on a larger network. This means that where there is a cell communication network, standard for the inhabited regions of most worlds, a CMC can connect to it as long as there is a node within 10 miles. Most urban areas will have local nodes that will compensate for the signal degradation due to structures.
In the New Diaporia universe, at least in the Highlands it has long been recognized that everything is data; voice, text, video, etc. all travel on the same networks.
In this mode the CMC can also use a repeater node on a vessel to connect. This is the method spacers use to connect to their ship in orbit using the repeater on the transport capsule or brake used for landing.
As a receiver a CMC can detect signals from orbit. This is used for Geographic Position Systems (GPS) operation on worlds that have this system. In the Highlands this is every inhabited planet. Even outside in the Midlands GPS is such a useful system, and with Barnes-Gutierrez gravity technology so cheap to emplace, that only the most backward or repressive worlds will not have such a system.
Com systems can best be separated as Network, Broadcast and Recording.
The CMC Broadcast capabilities have already been covered. Point to point transmit and reception of signals, voice, video and data directly to another CMC.
Network capabilities encompass a number of protocols. Communication in voice, video, data or text through a commercial network which typically requires a small automatic access fee. Such fees can be ad hoc or subscritional. Most Highland CMC users pay a subscription fee to access the interweb. Legion and Ranger users have access to their own tactical networks which have highly secure gateways also into the commercial networks. Even the most open civilian systems will be highly encrypted for user privacy. Legion and Ranger systems use advanced encryption beyond the ability of any but someone with nation-state level ability to compromise, and even that is unlikely for anyone not having TLA level technology.
Recording can be from local CMC sensors or through the network or broadcast interface.
All of the CMC's sensors and communication functions depend upon the computer processing power of the device's computer processors and installed memory. Every sensor uses postprocessing of the data flow to integrate and display the information that it receives.
The data library contains information used to interpret the various sensor inputs and provides a method by which target identification can be provided. If a network connection is available additional information can be accessed to increase the devices capabilities.
Legion CMC's have access to custom applications that extend the capabilities of what is merely a ruggedized version of the commodity CMC hardware.
The CMC provides a interface terminal to commercial or tactical networks. At TLA the complexity of a CMC is 9.
Minimum functional CMC software is basic level software and open source. Most users buy or create custom software to enhance the capabilities of their devices. Legion members have a wide variety of custom and routinely unavailable applications available to them.
A CMC can operate on a B power cell for 12 hours. It can be recharged by placing it on a charging pad for 1 hour. A CMC's screen doubles as a solar cell and it can recharge in 2 hours if left in the equivalent of Earth standard sunlight.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
The modern CMC has both holographic projector capabilities and holographic input capabilities. The device can be set up to project a motion monitoring keyboard to allow extended input. It can also project 2D screens as well as more conventional 3D holographic objects.
Such functionality, when mated with the network connectivity of the CMC allows the device to act as a computer workstation, all that is required is a flat surface on which to stage the CMC. While the input keyboard can be projected without requiring a surface, it is almost impossible for a human to "air type" consistently. Of course the device is quite capable of responding to voice commands, as well as the more conventional touch display.
Like most modern TLA portable devices the CMC can be recharged using its included wireless charger. The typical ruggedized CMC also includes the ability to recharge by being left in the sun, thanks to its solar power receptor screen.
Such functionality, when mated with the network connectivity of the CMC allows the device to act as a computer workstation, all that is required is a flat surface on which to stage the CMC. While the input keyboard can be projected without requiring a surface, it is almost impossible for a human to "air type" consistently. Of course the device is quite capable of responding to voice commands, as well as the more conventional touch display.
Like most modern TLA portable devices the CMC can be recharged using its included wireless charger. The typical ruggedized CMC also includes the ability to recharge by being left in the sun, thanks to its solar power receptor screen.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Communicator-Multiscanner-Computer (CMC)
The logical result of the technological evolution which originated with the smartphone, the CMC is a device that is ubiquitous in Highland civilization. The original Progressive Era smartphones typically contained various communication devices for connection to a mobile cell network, local wifi network, Bluetooth devices, GPS and even FM radio reception. They were fitted with an array of sensor devices to detect and many times record, video, sound, magnetic and motion detection. Most even contained an LED light that could be used as both a photographic flash and a torch (flashlight). Additional sensors for temperature, atmospheric pressure and a variety of other parameters soon followed, initially in connected devices and eventually in integrated form.
The standard CMC is composed of commodity hardware using a combination of commodity, proprietary and personally customized software. Most Legion, public safety, and technical field users have a ruggedized commodity version of the device.
Most users buy a CMC, which typically comes with rudimentary software that allows most of the hardware to be utilized to some extent. Typically the user will then purchase software to enhance the functionality they need. Professional users often get software packages optimized for the use of members of their profession. Public safety, Legion and Church users are typically provided packages with very sophisticated functionality by their organizations.
The CMC combines three separate devices into one. It joins a communicator to a multiscanner and a computer. The device's design allows the user to leverage the capabilities of each device with the others making a very powerful tool which is useful to almost everyone.
The most mundane use of the CMC is as a communication device utilizing the communication network ubiquitously installed on just about every modern world. This same data network allows text, video and general media communication via the interweb to any world on the vast Hypercable system. This capability allows access to the public data library available throughout the Grand Human Union.
Even the most backwater agricultural planet typically has a communication network, GPS system and library database.
The CMC can also be used to record both audio and video. This allows for both entertainment and the recording of personal records, which can then be offloaded to personal or public storage.
The multiscanner was first incorporated into the smartphone at TLC at the beginning of the twenty-third century, creating the first true CMC. Prior to that discrete multiscanner devices were used. Miniaturization and advances in computer processing power made the inclusion of a multiscanner device with a range in dozens of yards possible. By TLA range increased to tens of miles, under the right conditions, for many CMC sensors.
Sensors on a CMC can divided into active and passive sensors.
PESA sensors allow for the display and recording of visual EM radiation across a wide spectrum, allowing the capture of video, still pictures, IR and UV and combination of various wavelengths for real time processing by the CMC's computer processor. The Rad monitoring capability can detect different types of radiation, including gamma allowing the instrument to act as a radio direction finder and tactical display, with the proper software, of course.
Active sensors include bio, chem and grav scanners. CMCs still contain a light source that can be used as a torch, for both visible and hyperspectoral uses. At TLB CMCs started to incorporate miniholo projectors for enhanced display capabilities.
Table One illustrated the various modes which can be used. Commodity software typically requires that each mode be operated independently. More advanced software, such as that used the Legion, allows integrated use of the device's sensor systems. This allows a CMC to be used as a tactical display, using its grav scanner in imaging mode to scan inside a building and plotting the layout, both as a set of plans and a three dimensional “X-Ray” type graphic and then projecting life signs from the bioscanner, chemical makeup of walls and objects in the building interior using its chemscanner.
A CMC can both be used as a display device for another instrument and as a scanner displaying on a HUD or video glasses or contacts. Since it's scanning information can be routed through the device's communicator it can also be used as a remote sensor device allowing it's raw or processed sensor data to be sent to a mainframe to be further processed.
In urban or village settings the CMC connects to the local network. In frontier settings a TLA CMC has the range (10 miles) to connect to other CMCs and to planetary support craft which can then relay to orbit. GPS and emergency beacons have orbital range.
The greatest limit of the CMC is processing power. An unconnected CMC can easily pick a specific individual out of a small group using a combination of its bioscanner and chemscanner, provided identifying information on that individual is available in its on board library. Even a connected CMC would have a hard time picking out a specific individual in an urban setting containing thousands of individuals. A CMC would easily be able to find a single needle in a haystack, but locating a specific needle in a pile of needles would be much more difficult, possibly even impossible.
A CMC is also only as good as the information that is available to it's processes. On any planet with a magnetic field detecting magnetic north is simple. Without stored maps, or access to a networked library containing them, even the GPS function is of dubious use for anything beyond waypoint recording. So a CMC capabilities are usually leveraged against other computer resources. An away team to a primitive world will download planetary maps, obtain from ship's survey scans to increase their CMCs usefulness for navigation. A doctor will install a medical library and expert system to enhance her CMCs ability to act as a medical diagnostic device. A technician will install a library of standard calculations and scan profiles to allow his CMC to act as a better diagnostic device.
CMCs have generally achieved deep penetration into the Midlands, though many devices are old TLC and TLB devices which have been imported from inside the Highlands. Most software is strictly commodity level, though certain areas have developed their own custom software, most of which is inferior to that found within the Highlands. Generally speaking such obsolete devices are still interoperable with Highland systems, provided they have been updated to existing encryption software and com protocols. They may lack functionality in certain areas, for example, TLC CMCs lack holoprojector capability.
CMCs are typically monomorphic, that is they are key to only respond to a particular individual, typically their owner. Certain functions, such as emergency beacon activation, can be set to bypass this security measure.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Communication Technology
Mostly New Diasporia is an RPG background that is game system agnostic. Since I use GURPS, particularly GURPS 3rd Edition, with some GURPS 4th edition rules, I from time to time talk about game system specific rules, particularly design rules.
Today I'm going to talk about communication rules in GURPS. I'm going to start out by saying the rules are broken. Why do I say that? Because today at TL8 we have communication devices which exceed the capabilities of the higher TL devices listed in UltraTech (both G3 and G4).
As a general set of rules they're workable enough for someone who doesn't have a background in electronics or communication systems. Unfortunately I do. They also break down when compared to existing devices.
Let's lay out an example. The typical cell phone weighs in at about .28 lbs. That includes it's battery and no less than five different radios, operating on different radio bands. They include a GPS receiver, a cell duplex channel radio, a wifi radio, a Bluetooth radio, an FM receiver (which in the U.S., at least, is usually turned off by the carrier.)
These radios have varying ranges which depend on a lot of factors.
The cell duplex radio has a theoretical range of about 45 miles. Its typical range (outside urbane areas) is closer to 10 miles, which is the usual spacing between towers in a cell phone system.
The GPS receiver is tiny and has a range of over 15,000 miles in receive mode. True a GPS satellite weighs about a 1000 lbs. and no doubt qualifies as what GURPS 4e calls a Very Large Communicator. However a Very Large Communicator is only suppose to have a range of 10,000 miles. GPS orbits at 12,656 miles and signals from lateral distances will be even greater.
FM ranges are on the order of 40 to 60 miles. Even using the half cost function of receive only radios a Small communicator would still be half a pound vs. the ounce or so of a cell phone FM chip.
A cell phone designed under the communicator rules would weigh about 20 lbs and cost $5000.
So why are the rules broken? Mostly because radio communication is hard. That is, there are many details that determine what the range is for a particular set of radios under particular conditions, which are difficult to capture in RPG rules.
One detail is the size of the antenna. Cell phone usually have really crappy antennas. Your typical cell phone would get much better range if it had a better (in this case better means bigger) antenna. Of course you'd probably feel pretty dorky with a big old dipole antenna sticking out of your iPhone.
Another is power. GPS satellites transmit at about 500 watts. FM transmitters broadcast in the kiloWatt range. Most Cell phones have two signal strengths: .6 watts and 3 watts. Bluetooth devices typically transmit in the 100mW range.
Note that GPS satellites have much weaker transmitters than FM, yet have much greater range. This is partially due to the frequencies they operate at, because frequency band also has an effect upon range. It effects things like whether the radio is line-of-sight or can utilize skip. Skip or skywave is what allows Ham radio operators to talk to Moscow from a set in Tampa.
So we've established GURPS radio communicator rules are broken. What do we do now? We can replace them with house rules based on real world radio communication factors or we can go Hollywood, and just decide what rules work best for our game world based upon the effects we want to see in the game.
In my game I pretty much stick to GURPS 3rd Edition rules for my spacecraft communication systems outside the Grand Route Hypercable system. So ships and vehicles in the Wilds, Midlands or in the Highlands off the Major Routes use ranges from the Vehicle Design System.
I treat anywhere that has Hypercable as connected all the time, just as I hope most of you are connected to the cell network all the time. (Isn't that a nice fantasy?)
The Highland version of the cell phone, the CMC, is likewise connected through the wireless broadband network in most villages, cities and homesteads. Settled places will have repeaters installed to allow the devices to relay into the wider system.
Spacers will use their ruggedized CMCs to communicate with orbiting spacecraft through the communication systems in their HUVs or brakes, and directly with each other with reasonable distances (see the upcoming CMC entry for details.) And they will work on board their ships using the ship's internal wireless network.
Today I'm going to talk about communication rules in GURPS. I'm going to start out by saying the rules are broken. Why do I say that? Because today at TL8 we have communication devices which exceed the capabilities of the higher TL devices listed in UltraTech (both G3 and G4).
As a general set of rules they're workable enough for someone who doesn't have a background in electronics or communication systems. Unfortunately I do. They also break down when compared to existing devices.
Let's lay out an example. The typical cell phone weighs in at about .28 lbs. That includes it's battery and no less than five different radios, operating on different radio bands. They include a GPS receiver, a cell duplex channel radio, a wifi radio, a Bluetooth radio, an FM receiver (which in the U.S., at least, is usually turned off by the carrier.)
These radios have varying ranges which depend on a lot of factors.
The cell duplex radio has a theoretical range of about 45 miles. Its typical range (outside urbane areas) is closer to 10 miles, which is the usual spacing between towers in a cell phone system.
The GPS receiver is tiny and has a range of over 15,000 miles in receive mode. True a GPS satellite weighs about a 1000 lbs. and no doubt qualifies as what GURPS 4e calls a Very Large Communicator. However a Very Large Communicator is only suppose to have a range of 10,000 miles. GPS orbits at 12,656 miles and signals from lateral distances will be even greater.
FM ranges are on the order of 40 to 60 miles. Even using the half cost function of receive only radios a Small communicator would still be half a pound vs. the ounce or so of a cell phone FM chip.
A cell phone designed under the communicator rules would weigh about 20 lbs and cost $5000.
So why are the rules broken? Mostly because radio communication is hard. That is, there are many details that determine what the range is for a particular set of radios under particular conditions, which are difficult to capture in RPG rules.
One detail is the size of the antenna. Cell phone usually have really crappy antennas. Your typical cell phone would get much better range if it had a better (in this case better means bigger) antenna. Of course you'd probably feel pretty dorky with a big old dipole antenna sticking out of your iPhone.
Another is power. GPS satellites transmit at about 500 watts. FM transmitters broadcast in the kiloWatt range. Most Cell phones have two signal strengths: .6 watts and 3 watts. Bluetooth devices typically transmit in the 100mW range.
Note that GPS satellites have much weaker transmitters than FM, yet have much greater range. This is partially due to the frequencies they operate at, because frequency band also has an effect upon range. It effects things like whether the radio is line-of-sight or can utilize skip. Skip or skywave is what allows Ham radio operators to talk to Moscow from a set in Tampa.
So we've established GURPS radio communicator rules are broken. What do we do now? We can replace them with house rules based on real world radio communication factors or we can go Hollywood, and just decide what rules work best for our game world based upon the effects we want to see in the game.
In my game I pretty much stick to GURPS 3rd Edition rules for my spacecraft communication systems outside the Grand Route Hypercable system. So ships and vehicles in the Wilds, Midlands or in the Highlands off the Major Routes use ranges from the Vehicle Design System.
I treat anywhere that has Hypercable as connected all the time, just as I hope most of you are connected to the cell network all the time. (Isn't that a nice fantasy?)
The Highland version of the cell phone, the CMC, is likewise connected through the wireless broadband network in most villages, cities and homesteads. Settled places will have repeaters installed to allow the devices to relay into the wider system.
Spacers will use their ruggedized CMCs to communicate with orbiting spacecraft through the communication systems in their HUVs or brakes, and directly with each other with reasonable distances (see the upcoming CMC entry for details.) And they will work on board their ships using the ship's internal wireless network.
Monday, November 20, 2017
One of the results of the availability of nanotechfactories is the commoditization of many tools and devices. In Highland culture a commodity may best be defined as an economic good which has no quantitative differentiation across markets, i.e. it is fungible. In the case of created goods, that is technological objects as opposed to commodity resources such as minerals, agricultural products and other raw materials, it is the combination of nanotechnology and Intellectual Property Law which has resulted in commoditization.
Basically under Highland law the issuance of patents and copyright is severely limited as compared to the I.P. practices of the Progressive Era. Many types and classes of devices are excluded from patents entirely. Software is entirely unpatentable, although patterns and blueprints used by nanotechfactories may be copyrighted. Reports, liturgical works and performance media cannot be copyrighted, though properties like songs and plays, as well as written works may be, by the author, composer or song writer.
Copyright law in the Highlands allows for a single 15 year period of copyright during which the author of a work may have sole right over their work. This includes the licensing, but not sale of the copyright. Copyrights terminate upon the death of the owner.
Patents are even more limited, as items to be patented must be new, useful and non-obvious. Biological process, breeder designs and drugs cannot be patented. Patents are held for 10 years and cover products from the time the patent is registered.
Anything not under patent or copyright is considered in the public domain. The vast library of nanotechfactory patterns in the public domain may be used by anyone to manufacture commodity devices. Of course the typical Highland citizen is unlikely to own a nanotechfactory, with the possible exception of a food factory in their kitchen and possibly a small handyman's minifac. So throughout the Highlands it is much more likely that a Highlander will buy commodity products produced locally by a general fabrications establishment than that they will produce it themselves.
Cost of such devices is typically the price of the raw stock needed for the device and overhead for the fabricator. This makes commodity prices very low compared to the pre-nanotech era. For example a smartphone in the Progressive Era could cost up to a Parliament (about US$1000.) A CMC, the modern TLA equivalent which has many more features, can typically be had for P0.25 (US$250). Clothing, created by a fabric extruder nanotechfactory, is even cheaper than the twenty-first century equivalent, even though made of smart material and containing many enhancements not possessed by the heavily trademarked and patented Progressive Era clothing.
Typically art, excluding writing and the written scripts, music and lyrics, are not protected by copyright or other intellectual property laws. That means that performance artists are limited in their ability to record a performance and suck continuing value out of said performance. Artist may charge to view their work, be it the physical work of a painter or sculpture, or a particular performance, be it dramatic, comedic or musical, but recorded performances are not protected. This has resulted in the collapse of the media empires of the Progressive Era and the flourishing of both amateur and professional theater.
This has also resulted in the increase of patronage in all of the arts, not just in the support of artists by the very wealthy, but also through the voluntary support of designers, artists and performers through private donations. I can't but a copy of a recording artists performance, well I can, but I can also download or make a copy for free, however I can also donate to them because I like and appreciate their performance and want them to be able to afford to continue to perform.
A whole culture of such benefactors and patronage exists in the Highlands and there is a notable portion of workers, not just in the arts, but also in other fields who subsist on patronage rather than conventional employment.
Basically under Highland law the issuance of patents and copyright is severely limited as compared to the I.P. practices of the Progressive Era. Many types and classes of devices are excluded from patents entirely. Software is entirely unpatentable, although patterns and blueprints used by nanotechfactories may be copyrighted. Reports, liturgical works and performance media cannot be copyrighted, though properties like songs and plays, as well as written works may be, by the author, composer or song writer.
Copyright law in the Highlands allows for a single 15 year period of copyright during which the author of a work may have sole right over their work. This includes the licensing, but not sale of the copyright. Copyrights terminate upon the death of the owner.
Patents are even more limited, as items to be patented must be new, useful and non-obvious. Biological process, breeder designs and drugs cannot be patented. Patents are held for 10 years and cover products from the time the patent is registered.
Anything not under patent or copyright is considered in the public domain. The vast library of nanotechfactory patterns in the public domain may be used by anyone to manufacture commodity devices. Of course the typical Highland citizen is unlikely to own a nanotechfactory, with the possible exception of a food factory in their kitchen and possibly a small handyman's minifac. So throughout the Highlands it is much more likely that a Highlander will buy commodity products produced locally by a general fabrications establishment than that they will produce it themselves.
Cost of such devices is typically the price of the raw stock needed for the device and overhead for the fabricator. This makes commodity prices very low compared to the pre-nanotech era. For example a smartphone in the Progressive Era could cost up to a Parliament (about US$1000.) A CMC, the modern TLA equivalent which has many more features, can typically be had for P0.25 (US$250). Clothing, created by a fabric extruder nanotechfactory, is even cheaper than the twenty-first century equivalent, even though made of smart material and containing many enhancements not possessed by the heavily trademarked and patented Progressive Era clothing.
Typically art, excluding writing and the written scripts, music and lyrics, are not protected by copyright or other intellectual property laws. That means that performance artists are limited in their ability to record a performance and suck continuing value out of said performance. Artist may charge to view their work, be it the physical work of a painter or sculpture, or a particular performance, be it dramatic, comedic or musical, but recorded performances are not protected. This has resulted in the collapse of the media empires of the Progressive Era and the flourishing of both amateur and professional theater.
This has also resulted in the increase of patronage in all of the arts, not just in the support of artists by the very wealthy, but also through the voluntary support of designers, artists and performers through private donations. I can't but a copy of a recording artists performance, well I can, but I can also download or make a copy for free, however I can also donate to them because I like and appreciate their performance and want them to be able to afford to continue to perform.
A whole culture of such benefactors and patronage exists in the Highlands and there is a notable portion of workers, not just in the arts, but also in other fields who subsist on patronage rather than conventional employment.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Interstellar Communication
Communication within the Highlands, and among some of the more advance Midland communities is very much based upon the existence of the hypercable communication system which is strung along the Major Routes. Worlds located in systems within transmission distance of the subspace gates or anchored hypercable relay stations have effectively instant communication with every other world on a major route.
Subspace gates provide the conduit between the hypercable system in subspace and standard transmission in real space. Most gates are either in stellar or planetary orbit. For those in stellar orbit there would often be a noticeable lag, as gates not placed in stabilized subspace must be at least 100 solar and planetary diameters away from these bodies.
So for example in the Solar System a gate would have to be located in an orbit at least 70 million miles beyond the sun. Since the minimum distance a gate would have to be from Earth would be at least 791,000 miles it could not be placed in a standard orbit, it would most likely be placed in one of the Lagrange points which are far enough to be outside the 100 diameter limits, yet close enough to ensure both minimum transit time to Earth and minimum time lag for communication carried on electromagnetic waves (radio).
Of course the gate orbiting Earth is in stabilized subspace. A hyperdrill has been used to provide a subspace conduit that allows the gate to be place within the normally exclusive 100 diameter zone. This allows the Earth gate to be located in a geostationary orbit at approximately 22,236 miles above the equatorial Pacific Phoenix Islands.
Of course this creates another problem, which is the delay caused by the distance between Earth and the colonies in the Trans-Jupiter and farside asteroid belt.
Under normal circumstances a message transmitted from the communication array at EarthGate could require almost a hour to reach one of the moon stations at Jupiter
This problem is addressed through the use of hypercable boundary relays. A hypercable boundary relay is an unmanned station about the size of an old style bus which is place by a hyperdrill. It is place at the boundary of subspace with its body anchored to the subspace plane by a gravity anchor. Within the relay a microgate allows a transmission antenna to extend into real space. This antenna would be located within a suitable distance of Jupiter, orbiting with the planet.
So to send a message from Earth to Ganymede Base the message would be routed not to EarthGate's real space EM array, but rather through the hypercable relays already placed along the Major Route in subspace. From there it would be sent to the boundary relay, where it would then be transmitted to real space in the general vicinity of Jupiter. This results in not just effectively instant communication from Earth, but instant communication from anywhere in the Highlands.
Since for all intents and purposes everything is data the hypercable system provides the backbone for a Highland wide network of connected devices. Citizens of the Union use this network for everything from communication to entertainment. It also provides a vast repository of knowledge which is available to any world connected to the system.
But of course even in the Highlands there are many worlds not connected to the system. Worlds along Blue Highways are not hooked into the hypercable system, though it is quite possible local system wide relays might exists.
Typically worlds along Blue Highways have local networks which receive recorded data from the closest hypercable node, delivered by the Grand Postal Service. Most such systems do not have boundary relays so interplanetary communication is often plagued by time lags that make email a better communication medium than video calls. Interstellar communication is primarily via text or recorded message.
Because the network of the Major Routes do not consist of a regular pattern, but are distributed based upon world location, population, and other economic factors how a message is routed can have a significant effect on the time involved in delivering it. The Grand Postal Service spends a lot of resources determining the routes which will result in the fastest delivery of message sent to disconnected worlds.
This disjointed system often results in news being delivered almost or more rapidly by private or commercial vessels before official news organizations. Both Church and government maintain couriers in an attempt to stay ahead of rumor or even official news.
Subspace gates provide the conduit between the hypercable system in subspace and standard transmission in real space. Most gates are either in stellar or planetary orbit. For those in stellar orbit there would often be a noticeable lag, as gates not placed in stabilized subspace must be at least 100 solar and planetary diameters away from these bodies.
So for example in the Solar System a gate would have to be located in an orbit at least 70 million miles beyond the sun. Since the minimum distance a gate would have to be from Earth would be at least 791,000 miles it could not be placed in a standard orbit, it would most likely be placed in one of the Lagrange points which are far enough to be outside the 100 diameter limits, yet close enough to ensure both minimum transit time to Earth and minimum time lag for communication carried on electromagnetic waves (radio).
Of course the gate orbiting Earth is in stabilized subspace. A hyperdrill has been used to provide a subspace conduit that allows the gate to be place within the normally exclusive 100 diameter zone. This allows the Earth gate to be located in a geostationary orbit at approximately 22,236 miles above the equatorial Pacific Phoenix Islands.
Of course this creates another problem, which is the delay caused by the distance between Earth and the colonies in the Trans-Jupiter and farside asteroid belt.
Under normal circumstances a message transmitted from the communication array at EarthGate could require almost a hour to reach one of the moon stations at Jupiter
This problem is addressed through the use of hypercable boundary relays. A hypercable boundary relay is an unmanned station about the size of an old style bus which is place by a hyperdrill. It is place at the boundary of subspace with its body anchored to the subspace plane by a gravity anchor. Within the relay a microgate allows a transmission antenna to extend into real space. This antenna would be located within a suitable distance of Jupiter, orbiting with the planet.
So to send a message from Earth to Ganymede Base the message would be routed not to EarthGate's real space EM array, but rather through the hypercable relays already placed along the Major Route in subspace. From there it would be sent to the boundary relay, where it would then be transmitted to real space in the general vicinity of Jupiter. This results in not just effectively instant communication from Earth, but instant communication from anywhere in the Highlands.
Since for all intents and purposes everything is data the hypercable system provides the backbone for a Highland wide network of connected devices. Citizens of the Union use this network for everything from communication to entertainment. It also provides a vast repository of knowledge which is available to any world connected to the system.
But of course even in the Highlands there are many worlds not connected to the system. Worlds along Blue Highways are not hooked into the hypercable system, though it is quite possible local system wide relays might exists.
Typically worlds along Blue Highways have local networks which receive recorded data from the closest hypercable node, delivered by the Grand Postal Service. Most such systems do not have boundary relays so interplanetary communication is often plagued by time lags that make email a better communication medium than video calls. Interstellar communication is primarily via text or recorded message.
Because the network of the Major Routes do not consist of a regular pattern, but are distributed based upon world location, population, and other economic factors how a message is routed can have a significant effect on the time involved in delivering it. The Grand Postal Service spends a lot of resources determining the routes which will result in the fastest delivery of message sent to disconnected worlds.
This disjointed system often results in news being delivered almost or more rapidly by private or commercial vessels before official news organizations. Both Church and government maintain couriers in an attempt to stay ahead of rumor or even official news.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Food Fabricators
A food fabricator is a device that uses nanotechnology to produce edible objects from an organic feed stock. On world food fabricators are used to supplement naturally grown and process foods. On spacecraft and stations food fabricators produce almost all of the food consumed. Most food fabricators can also be used to prepare natural food, at least to a limited extent.
The typical industrial food fabricator, such as might be used in a restaurant or mess deck consists of a feed line of liquid organic feed stock, a potable water line, power coupling, a recycle intake, a print stage/extruder, heat pump assembly, LCP, network connection, solid stock input (for natural or processed food), and a control panel. The device is typically connected to a central database of food recipes.
The device operation is as follows:
The user selects a drink or meal using the control panel for an item listed in the database. The LCP initially orders the device to provide the designated container for the meal. this may be a plate, bowl or cup for liquids. The exact design of the receptacle is selectable by the user, or a default item may be used. The container is extruded. It will be constructed of an organic plastic by the fabricator. Alternatively an existing cup or plate may be refilled by placing it on the stage.
Meanwhile complicated ingredient creation will begin. The fabricator is capable of creating both raw and "cooked" versions of foods. Some food, like faux flesh is better produced in its raw version and then cooked through heating. Other foods like starches (near potatoes, pseudo rice, and pastas) are better produced in their cooked forms and then heated.
The heat pump assembly places the food at the proper temperature for serving. It can also cool drinks or serve them hot. Once completed the food or drink is placed or poured into the extruded container.
The food fabricator is better at producing certain kinds of foods rather than others. For example hamburgers or chili is much easier to produce than steak. Chicken is much better in Ratatouille than in sauteed chicken breast, as the breast almost never comes out with the same texture as real chicken. The device won't make chicken drumsticks or wings at all, since fabricating bones to be later recycled is not a good use of resources.
For drinks, water is combined with the organic feed stock to produce coffee, tea or soft drinks. Alcoholic beverages are also possible, though simple mixed drinks are generally considered better tasting than beers, wines, or whiskeys which generally get their character from complex trace elements normally created in their natural brewing or distillation process.
Spices are usually prefabricated in the device and then used to season to the taste of the user.
Once the meal is finished food waste and tableware are then thrown in the recycling intake where it travels to the reclamation plant and joins the human waste provided by the fresher systems to be converted into organic feed stock to be reused by the fabricator systems.
Smaller convenience food fabricators, which are located in staterooms, conference rooms and convenience drink dispensers, often located in hallways and control areas, typically have a smaller selection of offerings, typically to reduce the time between delivery, as it takes only seconds to create a coffee or pack of pseudo carrot snacks, but ten minutes or so to make a complete meal consisting of meat, starch and vegetables. A typical industrial food fabricator can make a dozen meals at the same time, a convenience unit usually only one at a time.
Some industrial units are self serve, but often for sit down meals a range of similar dishes are fabricated to be served by household drones once everyone is seated. In that case food is stored in heater boxes or refers between when it is fabricated and when it is served.
In a pinch a food fabricator can be used to synthesize other kinds of organics, but it will typically take hacking its LCP to do that, since there are food quality and safety protections built in.
The typical industrial food fabricator, such as might be used in a restaurant or mess deck consists of a feed line of liquid organic feed stock, a potable water line, power coupling, a recycle intake, a print stage/extruder, heat pump assembly, LCP, network connection, solid stock input (for natural or processed food), and a control panel. The device is typically connected to a central database of food recipes.
The device operation is as follows:
The user selects a drink or meal using the control panel for an item listed in the database. The LCP initially orders the device to provide the designated container for the meal. this may be a plate, bowl or cup for liquids. The exact design of the receptacle is selectable by the user, or a default item may be used. The container is extruded. It will be constructed of an organic plastic by the fabricator. Alternatively an existing cup or plate may be refilled by placing it on the stage.
Meanwhile complicated ingredient creation will begin. The fabricator is capable of creating both raw and "cooked" versions of foods. Some food, like faux flesh is better produced in its raw version and then cooked through heating. Other foods like starches (near potatoes, pseudo rice, and pastas) are better produced in their cooked forms and then heated.
The heat pump assembly places the food at the proper temperature for serving. It can also cool drinks or serve them hot. Once completed the food or drink is placed or poured into the extruded container.
The food fabricator is better at producing certain kinds of foods rather than others. For example hamburgers or chili is much easier to produce than steak. Chicken is much better in Ratatouille than in sauteed chicken breast, as the breast almost never comes out with the same texture as real chicken. The device won't make chicken drumsticks or wings at all, since fabricating bones to be later recycled is not a good use of resources.
For drinks, water is combined with the organic feed stock to produce coffee, tea or soft drinks. Alcoholic beverages are also possible, though simple mixed drinks are generally considered better tasting than beers, wines, or whiskeys which generally get their character from complex trace elements normally created in their natural brewing or distillation process.
Spices are usually prefabricated in the device and then used to season to the taste of the user.
Once the meal is finished food waste and tableware are then thrown in the recycling intake where it travels to the reclamation plant and joins the human waste provided by the fresher systems to be converted into organic feed stock to be reused by the fabricator systems.
Smaller convenience food fabricators, which are located in staterooms, conference rooms and convenience drink dispensers, often located in hallways and control areas, typically have a smaller selection of offerings, typically to reduce the time between delivery, as it takes only seconds to create a coffee or pack of pseudo carrot snacks, but ten minutes or so to make a complete meal consisting of meat, starch and vegetables. A typical industrial food fabricator can make a dozen meals at the same time, a convenience unit usually only one at a time.
Some industrial units are self serve, but often for sit down meals a range of similar dishes are fabricated to be served by household drones once everyone is seated. In that case food is stored in heater boxes or refers between when it is fabricated and when it is served.
In a pinch a food fabricator can be used to synthesize other kinds of organics, but it will typically take hacking its LCP to do that, since there are food quality and safety protections built in.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Advanced Smart Materials
Compound smart materials are advanced smart materials which can exhibit the properties of more than one kind of smart material in a single material sample. This allows for the creation of more complex devices which can take advantage of the smart characteristics of more than one kind of smart material property. So for example one can have a set of shape-memory sunglasses which exhibit chromogenic properties. Or a photomechanical material that has magnetostrictive properties.
Complex Compound Smart (CCS) materials can be used to make very complex devices, such as extruding space helmets which contain Heads Up Displays (HUDs) or space activity suits which use smart material to provide mechanical counterpressure when external pressure drops, but also provides comfortable temperature regulation in both normal pressure and vacuum environments.
CCS materials are a product of nanotech factories and are made using material fabricators.
Complex Compound Smart (CCS) materials can be used to make very complex devices, such as extruding space helmets which contain Heads Up Displays (HUDs) or space activity suits which use smart material to provide mechanical counterpressure when external pressure drops, but also provides comfortable temperature regulation in both normal pressure and vacuum environments.
CCS materials are a product of nanotech factories and are made using material fabricators.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Legion Shipsuit
The Legion Shipsuit is an example of high tech field dress used by members of the Legion serving on board spacecraft. The shipsuit is a high end skinsuit worn by legionaries engaged in shipboard duties as a regular working uniform. As a uniform it is typically manifest as a black uniform with silver trim adorned with rank insignia and specialty badges for enlisted members. The chameleon surface can be altered under the control of the suit LCP (Local Control Processor) when circumstances warrant, such as to bright orange in rescue situations or woodland pattern when in the field planetside.
Suit control is effected through the touch display located on the suit's left sleeve. Certain suit functions can also be activated using touch switches located at certain points of the suit, for example a collar switch can be used to activate the helmet extruder.
As a high end skinsuit the Legion shipsuit includes the ability to extrude an airtight helmet and gloves for vacuum survival. The helmet includes a heads-up display (HUD). The suit has integrated communication and while it does not have it's own full sensor suite it can interface with internal ship's systems when worn on a Legion spacecraft or a CMC. It does have minimum temperature and atmosphere safety sensors, a multi-spectrum vision system and both general and spot lighting capability.
While not meant for use in high radiation environments, being an IVA (intravehicular activity) suit, shipsuits do contain both a low-g B/G harness useful for propulsion in microgravity and micro-g boots. This is to enhance their capability in shipboard damage control situations.
The suit is intended for use in the field in a wide range of habitable environments and so contains both an integrated heating and cooling system and the ability to extrude a cold weather hood.
Like most skinsuits the shipsuit contains a re-breather pack and a mini tank which gives 30 minutes of air. They also have an external connection to allow use with a small tank giving 12 hours of air or a fixed system for virtually unlimited air.
Suit control is effected through the touch display located on the suit's left sleeve. Certain suit functions can also be activated using touch switches located at certain points of the suit, for example a collar switch can be used to activate the helmet extruder.
As a high end skinsuit the Legion shipsuit includes the ability to extrude an airtight helmet and gloves for vacuum survival. The helmet includes a heads-up display (HUD). The suit has integrated communication and while it does not have it's own full sensor suite it can interface with internal ship's systems when worn on a Legion spacecraft or a CMC. It does have minimum temperature and atmosphere safety sensors, a multi-spectrum vision system and both general and spot lighting capability.
While not meant for use in high radiation environments, being an IVA (intravehicular activity) suit, shipsuits do contain both a low-g B/G harness useful for propulsion in microgravity and micro-g boots. This is to enhance their capability in shipboard damage control situations.
The suit is intended for use in the field in a wide range of habitable environments and so contains both an integrated heating and cooling system and the ability to extrude a cold weather hood.
Like most skinsuits the shipsuit contains a re-breather pack and a mini tank which gives 30 minutes of air. They also have an external connection to allow use with a small tank giving 12 hours of air or a fixed system for virtually unlimited air.
Smart Materials
The term Smart Materials encompasses a class of designed materials whose properties can be significantly changed by controlled external stimuli. The first smart materials were developed during the Progressive Era. The range of smart material properties is extensive.
Smart materials are used extensively in the technology of the Grand Human Union and in many of the Midlands and even some of the Wilds. Programmable matter is a type of smart material that is used extensively in spacecraft construction, clothing, and instrumentation.
Smart material can change its shape, conductivity, optical properties, moduli, density, electrical properties and even it's magnetic and gravitic properties.
The use of smart material allows for operational behavior of devices that would seem almost magical to generations who lived before the Progressive Era.
Some use of smart materials has already been mentioned. For example in airlock construction, vacc suits and cybersuits.
Smart materials are used extensively in the technology of the Grand Human Union and in many of the Midlands and even some of the Wilds. Programmable matter is a type of smart material that is used extensively in spacecraft construction, clothing, and instrumentation.
Smart material can change its shape, conductivity, optical properties, moduli, density, electrical properties and even it's magnetic and gravitic properties.
The use of smart material allows for operational behavior of devices that would seem almost magical to generations who lived before the Progressive Era.
Some use of smart materials has already been mentioned. For example in airlock construction, vacc suits and cybersuits.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Space Combat extended
Space combat was been lightly covered in previous posts. Within the Highlands any ship-on-ship actions are primarily single ship-on-ship police or anti-piracy affairs conducted primarily by Ranger units on corvettes or schooners. From time to time a Frigate patrolling the border between the frontier and the Midlands might find itself engaged by a foreign vessel or multiple hostile vessels of a subordinate class.
Outside the Highlands, in the Midlands or the Wild large scale squadron, task force or fleet battles are much more likely. Such combat is very much different in scope and character from single ship actions. While a Frigate embarks support craft and might deploy pinnace to act as scouts or pickets or even have fighting vehicles or battleriders to act as support craft they typically do not have the long range reconnaissance or Command and Control systems necessary to engage in fleet level actions.
During one-on-one actions vessels typically depend upon their own sensor suites to locate enemy vessels, direct fire control and engage enemies.
During fleet actions major combatants, such as dreadnoughts and superdreadnoughts use pickets made up of destroyers and battleriders to deploy sensor nets, act as forward firecontrol nodes and provide support. To aid in this role destroyers tend to be light on energy weapons, but heavy on missiles. They primarily use railguns and light lasers in the anti-missile roll. Destroyers are small enough to employ relatively effective stealth and cloaking technology, like the more heavily armored battelriders.
In real space combat even the most powerful energy weapons are limited to 300,000 miles range. In subspace their range is a twentieth of that. At those ranges sensor response lags only a second. Missiles are effective at distances far beyond the range at which sensor response lags by minutes. Sensor nets can also be effectively deploy at distances which result in information minutes or hours old being the most recent data upon which response decisions must be made. Likewise large dispersed sensor nets can detect objects at distances so great that the information is an hour and a half old by the time the information reaches its control node.
Outside the Highlands, in the Midlands or the Wild large scale squadron, task force or fleet battles are much more likely. Such combat is very much different in scope and character from single ship actions. While a Frigate embarks support craft and might deploy pinnace to act as scouts or pickets or even have fighting vehicles or battleriders to act as support craft they typically do not have the long range reconnaissance or Command and Control systems necessary to engage in fleet level actions.
During one-on-one actions vessels typically depend upon their own sensor suites to locate enemy vessels, direct fire control and engage enemies.
During fleet actions major combatants, such as dreadnoughts and superdreadnoughts use pickets made up of destroyers and battleriders to deploy sensor nets, act as forward firecontrol nodes and provide support. To aid in this role destroyers tend to be light on energy weapons, but heavy on missiles. They primarily use railguns and light lasers in the anti-missile roll. Destroyers are small enough to employ relatively effective stealth and cloaking technology, like the more heavily armored battelriders.
In real space combat even the most powerful energy weapons are limited to 300,000 miles range. In subspace their range is a twentieth of that. At those ranges sensor response lags only a second. Missiles are effective at distances far beyond the range at which sensor response lags by minutes. Sensor nets can also be effectively deploy at distances which result in information minutes or hours old being the most recent data upon which response decisions must be made. Likewise large dispersed sensor nets can detect objects at distances so great that the information is an hour and a half old by the time the information reaches its control node.
As originally stated though the background for New Diasporia can be applied to any game system, the game itself was developed using GURPS, primarily 3rd Edition, especially some of the Traveller rules, but also GURPS Space. Here and there other GURPS source book rules are used. Some rules come from GURPS 4th Edition, though modified for use with the 3rd Edition rules.
I have also stated that there are fundamentals of the GURPS Rule set, primarily in Tech Levels, Tech Level advancement and maintenance rules which have been modified, primarily to support the background but also because they don't work reasonably as originally constructed.
During the original playtest for GURPS Traveller it was noted that the rules for missiles and spinal mounts resulted in missiles dominating, a circumstance that did not well reflect the original Traveller material. Several rule modifications were introduced to mitigate this, but resulted in other problems vis a vis ship survivability against spinal mounts.
In New Diasporia this is not so much a problem. Traveller Meson weapons do not exist and particle weapons are primarily relegated to close support planetary use. While Laser and Grazer weapons are used, especially in the close support and anti-missile roles space combat is dominated by missiles.
That is real space combat is dominated by missiles. Subspace combat is another story. In subspace missile drives propel a missile not faster than other B/G powered vessels, making missiles ineffective. Subspace combat is heavily dominated by energy weapons which have very much reduced ranges, just as do sensors.
A variety of energy weapon sizes are available for use on spacecraft. Lasers and Grazers typically mounted in turrets (1500 cuft for turret space, 500 cuft for mounts and rotation space.) New Diasporia turrets typically do not contain crew spaces. Weapons may also be mounted in barbettes. Barbettes come in 2500 cutft and 5000 cuft versions which require 500 cuft and 1000 cuft of internal volume for mounts and rotation space respectively.
Smaller turrets can also be used for close support weapons (which in Traveller are called planetary weapons), but such weapons are typically only mounted on battleriders and small craft like pinnaces.
Weapons may also be fix mounted. Missile tubes may be fixed mounted individually or they may be mounted in missile bays. Missile bays typically come in 25,000 cuft and 50,000 cuft sizes. The difference in fixed mounted weapons and weapons mounted in a bay is that a weapon bay includes a targeting computer and laser communications links sufficient all of its launchers. Fixed mounted weapons must use an external computer with the proper software and a separate communication suite, which is probably mounted in a turret somewhere.
It is also possible to fix mount an energy weapon, but only the battleriders use spinal mounted energy weapons, typically heavily supplemented by missile tubes for use in the anti-missile role. A fixed mounted energy weapon cannot be used in the anti-missile role.
I have also stated that there are fundamentals of the GURPS Rule set, primarily in Tech Levels, Tech Level advancement and maintenance rules which have been modified, primarily to support the background but also because they don't work reasonably as originally constructed.
During the original playtest for GURPS Traveller it was noted that the rules for missiles and spinal mounts resulted in missiles dominating, a circumstance that did not well reflect the original Traveller material. Several rule modifications were introduced to mitigate this, but resulted in other problems vis a vis ship survivability against spinal mounts.
In New Diasporia this is not so much a problem. Traveller Meson weapons do not exist and particle weapons are primarily relegated to close support planetary use. While Laser and Grazer weapons are used, especially in the close support and anti-missile roles space combat is dominated by missiles.
That is real space combat is dominated by missiles. Subspace combat is another story. In subspace missile drives propel a missile not faster than other B/G powered vessels, making missiles ineffective. Subspace combat is heavily dominated by energy weapons which have very much reduced ranges, just as do sensors.
A variety of energy weapon sizes are available for use on spacecraft. Lasers and Grazers typically mounted in turrets (1500 cuft for turret space, 500 cuft for mounts and rotation space.) New Diasporia turrets typically do not contain crew spaces. Weapons may also be mounted in barbettes. Barbettes come in 2500 cutft and 5000 cuft versions which require 500 cuft and 1000 cuft of internal volume for mounts and rotation space respectively.
Smaller turrets can also be used for close support weapons (which in Traveller are called planetary weapons), but such weapons are typically only mounted on battleriders and small craft like pinnaces.
Weapons may also be fix mounted. Missile tubes may be fixed mounted individually or they may be mounted in missile bays. Missile bays typically come in 25,000 cuft and 50,000 cuft sizes. The difference in fixed mounted weapons and weapons mounted in a bay is that a weapon bay includes a targeting computer and laser communications links sufficient all of its launchers. Fixed mounted weapons must use an external computer with the proper software and a separate communication suite, which is probably mounted in a turret somewhere.
It is also possible to fix mount an energy weapon, but only the battleriders use spinal mounted energy weapons, typically heavily supplemented by missile tubes for use in the anti-missile role. A fixed mounted energy weapon cannot be used in the anti-missile role.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Monitors and Forts
So one might say, if the Grand Human Union is such a peaceful, benevolent place why does the Star Legion have such devastating firepower as embodied in First, Second and Third Raters?
The answer is monitors and forts.
A monitor is a 10 to 30 million cuft warship. They are heavily armored with force fields and armed with massive energy weapons and missile launchers. Unlike battleships they typically do not embark battleriders or troops. They also typically do not have shunting capability. That means that they are limited to accessing subspace using a gate.
That means that monitors are used as both system defense ships and gate defense platforms.
The development of the battleship was a direct result of the deployment of monitors which greatly outclassed the frigates and battleriders that existed at that time.
However dreadnoughts and superdreadnouths were a response to the even larger and more powerful forts developed to defend systems.
A fort is a grav powered installation typically grav anchored on the subspace side of a gate or in orbit near the real space side of a gate. With BG engines typically only within the 4 to 6 g range a fort can move only sufficiently to move to its place of station and make a poor target for ballistic weapons (like unpowered missiles.) Because it does not have to mount a powerful BG engine a fort is not limited to 250 million cuft. As a matter of fact it usually mounts more powerful force field armor than all but the most powerful superdreadnought as well as having a massive structural frame supported by structural integrity fields and physical armor as well as internal armor force fields.
Forts also typically mount massive energy weapons, missile launchers (for use in real space) as well a numerous battlerider squadrons. Forts are often located near each other where they can provide mutual fire support.
Like other combat vessels forts deploy either sensor drone nets or purpose built sensor arrays to enhance their abilities to detect incoming enemies.
Enemies who defeat gate defense forts often find themselves facing another layer of defensive positions on the far side of the gate in real space.
The answer is monitors and forts.
A monitor is a 10 to 30 million cuft warship. They are heavily armored with force fields and armed with massive energy weapons and missile launchers. Unlike battleships they typically do not embark battleriders or troops. They also typically do not have shunting capability. That means that they are limited to accessing subspace using a gate.
That means that monitors are used as both system defense ships and gate defense platforms.
The development of the battleship was a direct result of the deployment of monitors which greatly outclassed the frigates and battleriders that existed at that time.
However dreadnoughts and superdreadnouths were a response to the even larger and more powerful forts developed to defend systems.
A fort is a grav powered installation typically grav anchored on the subspace side of a gate or in orbit near the real space side of a gate. With BG engines typically only within the 4 to 6 g range a fort can move only sufficiently to move to its place of station and make a poor target for ballistic weapons (like unpowered missiles.) Because it does not have to mount a powerful BG engine a fort is not limited to 250 million cuft. As a matter of fact it usually mounts more powerful force field armor than all but the most powerful superdreadnought as well as having a massive structural frame supported by structural integrity fields and physical armor as well as internal armor force fields.
Forts also typically mount massive energy weapons, missile launchers (for use in real space) as well a numerous battlerider squadrons. Forts are often located near each other where they can provide mutual fire support.
Like other combat vessels forts deploy either sensor drone nets or purpose built sensor arrays to enhance their abilities to detect incoming enemies.
Enemies who defeat gate defense forts often find themselves facing another layer of defensive positions on the far side of the gate in real space.
Subspace Combat
In subspace combat the nature of the environment makes missiles useless. No matter how good their engines a missile effectively travels no faster than any other vehicle. This makes them easy prey for energy weapons.
Like missiles, railgun projectiles are really just matter enhanced with gravitational engines. They tend to lose momentum quickly and become ineffective at any kind of range.
Energy weapons ranges are drastically reduced, but their effectiveness within their useful range is unimpaired. Typically energy weapon ranges are reduced by 20, that is they are half as effective as they are in normal atmosphere.
Force fields are just as effective in subspace as in real space, but as a gravitic phenomenon are less detectable in the high gravametric environment of subspace. In other words a ship protected by a standard force field is harder to detect. Against the high gravometric background of subspace force field stealth technology is less effective.
On balance this makes it hard to detect protected warships at greater ranges, but distortion fields and masking are less effective at close ranges.
The heavy electromagnet interference in the subspace environment makes long range and active sensors not nearly as good as in real space. This is one reason road beacon stations are seeded so close together and why off road vehicles and ships must depend upon inertial navigation and gravitational topology plotting and can only detect subspace beacons when they are fairly close to the system that has anchored them. This also makes the kinds of weapon ranges seen in real space battles untenable in subspace. Because of the high EM background EM masking and stealth become more effective.
Once away from the beacon stations of the Major Routes and Blue Highways accidentally meeting another vessel is unlikely. So battles in subspace tend to occur at gates or near system beacons. Of course this is where systems concentrate their own defenses when they expect an attack as well as where standard defenses are anchored.
Like missiles, railgun projectiles are really just matter enhanced with gravitational engines. They tend to lose momentum quickly and become ineffective at any kind of range.
Energy weapons ranges are drastically reduced, but their effectiveness within their useful range is unimpaired. Typically energy weapon ranges are reduced by 20, that is they are half as effective as they are in normal atmosphere.
Force fields are just as effective in subspace as in real space, but as a gravitic phenomenon are less detectable in the high gravametric environment of subspace. In other words a ship protected by a standard force field is harder to detect. Against the high gravometric background of subspace force field stealth technology is less effective.
On balance this makes it hard to detect protected warships at greater ranges, but distortion fields and masking are less effective at close ranges.
The heavy electromagnet interference in the subspace environment makes long range and active sensors not nearly as good as in real space. This is one reason road beacon stations are seeded so close together and why off road vehicles and ships must depend upon inertial navigation and gravitational topology plotting and can only detect subspace beacons when they are fairly close to the system that has anchored them. This also makes the kinds of weapon ranges seen in real space battles untenable in subspace. Because of the high EM background EM masking and stealth become more effective.
Once away from the beacon stations of the Major Routes and Blue Highways accidentally meeting another vessel is unlikely. So battles in subspace tend to occur at gates or near system beacons. Of course this is where systems concentrate their own defenses when they expect an attack as well as where standard defenses are anchored.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Extensible Hulls
Small craft, such as brakes and HUVs often use extensible hulls to maximize usable space while in space or on the ground, yet allow for a more streamlined shape while transiting atmosphere. Extensible hull craft also allow for smaller hanger footprints while being carried aboard larger craft. They also sometimes allow hull compact enough to use transport portals, a reason many brakes and HUVs are held to 8 ft by 13 ft. cross sections to allow their use in standard 10 ft by 20 ft transport portals.
Slide compartments are skinned in hull sheets made of smart material that can expand to allow the underlying structure to slide out while maintaining an air tight envelope. The use of structural integrity fields allows both greater stress to be tolerated by the sliding section and helps maintain airtight integrity.
Slide compartments are skinned in hull sheets made of smart material that can expand to allow the underlying structure to slide out while maintaining an air tight envelope. The use of structural integrity fields allows both greater stress to be tolerated by the sliding section and helps maintain airtight integrity.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Branes or Valter force membranes or v-branes are coherent sheaves which describe two dimensional manifolds located in three dimensional gravitic topology where matter interactions can be controlled in a localized space. Barnes manifolds, which are associated with B/G engines, are a type of v-branes. Higher level force field technology uses complex v-brane manifolds to describe their operation, but there are many other devices which use branes which are routinely used by Highland technology.
Anhydrous Branes are used as shower enclosures. Modern showers have body sprays which operate in a cycle using cleaning fluid and water rinse, then upon completion of the shower the user passes through the anhydrous brane which provides instantaneous drying. Water is prevented from passing the brane resulting in the hair and skin of the user being dried as the water is retained inside the shower.
Airlock Isolation Branes are used to retain atmosphere in lieu of solid doors in spacecraft. They make airlocks which cycle atmosphere obsolete. Well built airlocks still have quick cycle doors and emergency force fields to guard against brane failure considering the result of catastrophic failure.
Valter is a play on John Gutierrez last name which is derived from the "walter" from the Proto-Germanic vald- "rule" and hari "army".
Anhydrous Branes are used as shower enclosures. Modern showers have body sprays which operate in a cycle using cleaning fluid and water rinse, then upon completion of the shower the user passes through the anhydrous brane which provides instantaneous drying. Water is prevented from passing the brane resulting in the hair and skin of the user being dried as the water is retained inside the shower.
Airlock Isolation Branes are used to retain atmosphere in lieu of solid doors in spacecraft. They make airlocks which cycle atmosphere obsolete. Well built airlocks still have quick cycle doors and emergency force fields to guard against brane failure considering the result of catastrophic failure.
Valter is a play on John Gutierrez last name which is derived from the "walter" from the Proto-Germanic vald- "rule" and hari "army".
Monday, August 21, 2017
Highland Department of Roads
The Highland Department of Roads maintains the system of gates, beacon stations, and waystations along the Major Routes in subspace. They also operate the hyperdrills that stabilize subspace and make possible the placement of gates in planetary orbit. Workers of the department are called roadies.
Along with members of the Grand Postal Service roadies also maintain and operate the hypercable system. They work with the posties in ensuring messages are delivered once they have exited the hypercable system for delivery to systems not connected.
As might be expected with such a wide range of responsibilities there is no typical roadie.
Within the Grand Human Union the department maintains huge traveling road camps in subspace, typically built on large 500,000-1,500,000 cuft ship platforms which contain quarters, workshops and hangars for hyperdrills, mining craft and other supporting vehicles.
Subspace contains no natural occurring bodies to provide construction material so road camps typically ferry raw materials from asteroid belts and gas giants in handy systems in normal space into subspace to provide stock for the huge industrial nanofactory fabricators located in the road camp workshops and for the portable fabricator machines used to construct the gates, beacon stations and waystation frames. Much of the interior of these structures are constructed by follow on contractors.
Typically thousands of workers support the typical road camp and the camp supports dependents as well. Many couples work the road camps and spend most of their lives traveling along the roads.
Operating roads still require a cadre of specialist technicians to support the repair robots which maintain the beacon stations. Some live at one of the waystations and travel down their route in brakes or HUVs configured as repair vehicles, returning to family after a few days on the road seeing to their charges.
Others are under the care of technician couples working from saucer shaped ketches, 15,000-50,000 cuft vessels containing living spaces, workshops and stock storage holds, most commonly staffed by extended family. In many ways this class of roadies most closely resembles the lighthouse keepers of maritime days, living in relative isolation as they move down the road of their section, maintaining beacon stations, picking up repair stock at roadie depots on the waystations and repairing hypercable installations.
Another responsibility of the Department of Roads is the DOR stormwatch channel. Stormwatch sensors located in beacon stations transmit gravametric information to weather centers located at certain waystations in each road section. The weather stations analyze the information and post storm warnings to be broadcast from the beacon stations to local traffic on the DOR stormwatch channel.
Keeping the stormwatch sensors operating is a part of the job of the maintenance road crews. Most of the storm analysis on the establish network is done by AI, but on new roads or ones still under construction people still have to aid in storm detection.
Along with members of the Grand Postal Service roadies also maintain and operate the hypercable system. They work with the posties in ensuring messages are delivered once they have exited the hypercable system for delivery to systems not connected.
As might be expected with such a wide range of responsibilities there is no typical roadie.
Within the Grand Human Union the department maintains huge traveling road camps in subspace, typically built on large 500,000-1,500,000 cuft ship platforms which contain quarters, workshops and hangars for hyperdrills, mining craft and other supporting vehicles.
Subspace contains no natural occurring bodies to provide construction material so road camps typically ferry raw materials from asteroid belts and gas giants in handy systems in normal space into subspace to provide stock for the huge industrial nanofactory fabricators located in the road camp workshops and for the portable fabricator machines used to construct the gates, beacon stations and waystation frames. Much of the interior of these structures are constructed by follow on contractors.
Typically thousands of workers support the typical road camp and the camp supports dependents as well. Many couples work the road camps and spend most of their lives traveling along the roads.
Operating roads still require a cadre of specialist technicians to support the repair robots which maintain the beacon stations. Some live at one of the waystations and travel down their route in brakes or HUVs configured as repair vehicles, returning to family after a few days on the road seeing to their charges.
Others are under the care of technician couples working from saucer shaped ketches, 15,000-50,000 cuft vessels containing living spaces, workshops and stock storage holds, most commonly staffed by extended family. In many ways this class of roadies most closely resembles the lighthouse keepers of maritime days, living in relative isolation as they move down the road of their section, maintaining beacon stations, picking up repair stock at roadie depots on the waystations and repairing hypercable installations.
Another responsibility of the Department of Roads is the DOR stormwatch channel. Stormwatch sensors located in beacon stations transmit gravametric information to weather centers located at certain waystations in each road section. The weather stations analyze the information and post storm warnings to be broadcast from the beacon stations to local traffic on the DOR stormwatch channel.
Keeping the stormwatch sensors operating is a part of the job of the maintenance road crews. Most of the storm analysis on the establish network is done by AI, but on new roads or ones still under construction people still have to aid in storm detection.
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