Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tech Level B

Tech Level B is the technology level of advanced time-space manipulation and subspace physics.
Force Fields are a manifestation of the ability to manipulate gravity itself. By manipulating the space that a solid projectile or projected energy weapon must traverse its potential energy can be absorbed, rendering it harmless. Force Fields can be adjusted so that only high potential penetration will be impeded, allowing, for example, a person to walk through a deflector field, or to allow gas, such as air, to penetrate. Or the field can be made so impermeable that even gas will not penetrate.
Fixed Force Field systems are typically called wards.
High power Force Fields can be installed on vehicles, where with sophisticated controls they can be adjusted to allow synchronized sensor systems and beam weapons to be used even with the field on.
Transmat portals become available at this tech level. Though revealed by Barnes work on subspacial physics it took another fifty years to make the transmat portal a reality.
Large masses in real space are reflected in subspace by gravitational plateaus separated from the subspace plane by massive shear planes. Basically a transmat portal in nothing but two subspace gates back to back on a gravitational plateau, so that one might step from real space to real space without traversing the real space in between.
At this their introductory tech level they are still fairly expensive, requiring a full size hyperdrill to construct. Worlds at this level tend to treat transmat portals as a form of public transportation used to travel from one city or continent to another.

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