It is possible to design a B/G engine without the ability to hypershunt, indeed B/G engines used by planetary craft and many ships which exclusively utilize the Hyperspace Routes do not need to shunt.
For game design purposes I use a modified version of GURPS Space's Modular Starship Design System, which itself is based on GURPS Vehicle 2nd Edition rules.
The B/G drive is designed as a Gravity Drive at Tech Level 12. If it has shunting capability the engine's weight will be 10 lbs per ton of shunting capacity plus the weight of the reactionless drive unit. Volume will be weight/50 cf for the shunting unit plus the volume of the gravity drive unit. Power requirement is the power requirement of the gravity drive. It cannot use its gravity drive and shunt mass into subspace at the same time. For GURPS purposes weight is equivalent to mass at 1G.
Subspace quality factor is a measure of the best case average speed of a vehicle in subspace. It is possible for local conditions in subspace to modify these numbers. Major Routes are designed to circumvent negative local conditions as much as possible but subspace storms sometimes still disrupt travel on the Major Routes. It is also possible for badly maintained hyperspacial drills to damage subspace topology, resulting in delays. Along less traveled roads or where there are no roads at all ships are sometimes required to re-route or even leave subspace to get their bearings resulting in reduced effective quality factors for long distance travel.
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