The Wilds encompasses a volume greater than all of the rest of known space. It is the area outside the influence of civilization. No subspace roads connect the worlds, not even Blue Highways. There is no postal service of any kind nor even many interstellar governments. Trade is slip shot at best, non-existent at worst. Those ships which ply these areas of subspace are heavily armed and outfitted with sophisticated sensor systems to map subspace and navigate its uncharted routes.
Every year the Midlands expand by a half a light century and the Wilds by double that, as humans venture further into the unknown.
Here there is little law, or the great police state, backwards villages living in the iron age and great cities brushing the tech level of the Highlands.Worlds dedicated to evil and unholy practices and great heroes trying to save them.
This is the great mission area of the Church. Of all of man's organizations only the Church has any kind of regular communication network and influence throughout the Wilds, because it is not really an organization of man.
But there is great danger for the missionaries in the Wilds. They are not alone in proselytizing there. Heretics who rejected the Grand Reunification, Islamics who rejected the Great Compromise, pagans, satanists and even atheists roam the Wilds, as Scripture says, seeking the ruin of souls, or at least their confusion. Not all competitors of the Church are willing to compete on an intellectual level. Indeed not all members of the Church are willing to let vast population labor in error, suffering or threat of death.
If mankind is going to meet others it is in the Wilds that it will happen. Though some believe the Church has spoken out against the possibility of alien intelligent life, of alien's who are ensouled, in truth it has not. Indeed there are deep theological questions involved in the concept. Would such beings be free of Original Sin, walking with God as did Adam & Eve before the fall? If not, did Christ come to save them too? Or did Christ effect their salvation through some other act sometime in the past, or not yet in the future.
This is the sphere of the great heroes and Saints. The province of the grand campaign and great mission, where a single person can change the course of history, with God's provincial help.
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